“They fucking better,” River groused. “I just submitted the changes, and I need a break.”

“You know, you write alpha action heroes surprisingly well for a beta,” Cam teased.

“You play them well, for an omega,” he returned, voice honeyed, his irritation dissipated. “How is everything on your end?”

“It’s… eh,” Cameron admitted.

He held the phone against his cheek as he collapsed back against the pillows of his bed.

Well, histemporarybed. It was nothing like his nest at home, but the harsh opulence of this too-modern townhouse would have to do until he finished shooting this movie. All sharp angles and white paint. But at least the bed was comfy, like a cloud. He sank into the fluffy white pillows and wished there was another body sinking in with him.

“Aw, what is it, babe?” River asked.

Cameron sighed, and soaked in River’s voice.

“My trainer and bodyguard are killing me,” Cameron muttered.

“Which one? Ashley?”

Cameron whined. Ashley wasn’this only trainer, because he was learning more than one fighting style at a time, and he felt the aches in his body anew. But she was most certainly the one he talked about most.

“Yes, Ashley.”

“She and Dylan still aren’t getting along?”

“No! And it’s been a whole week!”

River chuckled, and on the other end of the phone, Cameron heard him inhale.

“Are you smoking?” Cameron asked.

The beta paused, and his voice was tight, lungs full as he said, “No?”

“Without me?” Cameron gasped, and pulled a gray throw pillow close as he rolled over, tucking the phone against his cheek and the bed.

“I miss you, too,” River said on his exhale.

Cameron could practically smell the musky scent of River’s weed through the line. If only it were real.

“It sucks without you here,” Cameron pouted. “Guess I got used to you being around.”

“That’s what happens when you’re in a relationship. Even if it is secret,” River told him with a soft, melty chuckle.

“I know, I know,” Cameron murmured. “How are things at home?”

Cameron missed home. He missed his low-lit nest and the pillows he’d had to leave behind and his favorite coffee mug. But most of all, he missed River and his dorky mustache and his shirts that smelled like half weed and halfRiver,all papers and smoky ink.

“Boring, without you,” River professed after a long pause, and Cameron felt a bit brighter. At least he wasn’t the only one suffering without his emotional support partner.

“Sure you can make it the whole six weeks without me?” Cameron asked.

When they’d first started hooking up, near the end of filming the first movie, it was casual.

Then a year had passed, and no one had caught wind of their situation. When River was pulled in to write the second one, they’d kept a tight lid on it,justuntil we’re done filming.

But in the middle of shooting the second film, they’d gotten the green light for movies three and four.

He still remembered that night, the argument they’d had, the terrible, awful week they’d spent apart before realizing being together was better, even if it was in secret.