“I love you,” Cam said, staring right at River.

“Alright, cut!” the director shouted, his voice booming around the warehouse. “Very funny goof, guys. Did you have fun with that? Can we get back to business?” The entire world unpaused as he raged, and stage hands rushed around him to reset the scene. “I need five fucking minutes to myself so I don’tmurder you,and thenbothof you come talk to me. Immediately!” he shouted, face red.

Roderick winked at Cam, and then shrugged before taking off.

He caught River’s eye, and he looked… part scared and part delighted.

Cameron rushed over, dodging the crew and motioning for Rebecca to wait.

“We need more time than this to talk, but… I’m sorry,” Cameron said. “Can we meet after? My trailer?”

River agreed. “I will, and I meant it. I’m sorry for betraying your trust.”

“I’m sorry for betraying yours, again and again. I’m a selfish jerk. You didn’t deserve that.” Cameron’s eyes were downright shining with the truth of his words. He meant them.

And something in River finally eased. “Thank you. We— I’ll be at your trailer.”

Cameron released a slow breath and nodded, wanting to throw himself at River and—this was about being brave, wasn’t it?

Cameron launched himself at River and wrapped his arms around him. He stiffened in surprise, and Cam heard the click of his jaw as he parted his lips to say something before changing his mind, hugging Cameron back.

“Okay,” River said, clearing his throat when they pulled apart. “I’m ready to go get my ass handed to me by the director.”

Cameron glanced over at the pacing, angry director. “Why don’t I take this one?” Cameron asked. “I think he’s got a soft spot for me.”

River had apologized in the most dramatic way possible, risking hiscareer.Assistants had been fired for bringing the director the wrong coffee. What would happen to River for pulling… this?

Replacing the villain’s monologue with a confession?

Cameron blinked. River had chosen the villain to deliver his speech. Did River see himself as the villain of this story?

The thought of it made Cameron’s chest hurt.

I’ve been treating River like he was the villain.

“Let me take the fall,” Cameron said. “Please?”

“Why don’t we face him together?” River suggested.

Cam peeked nervously at the angry director. He really didn’t want River to get fired. “I promise it doesn’t lessen the apology, because I’ve already accepted it. Please don’t get fired for it. Oh shit,” he said, as the director headed his way. “Go,” Cam told him, and nudged River out of the way.

River relented, but lingered not too far away as the director began with a deep breath.

By the time he was done yelling about precious time and ruining a shot and wasting everyone’s money, Cam felt like he had windburn.

And yet he couldn’t help but smile to himself as Rebecca touched up his makeup. He shared a knowing look with Dylan and Ashley. Their support fluttered through the bond, and it strengthened him.

Cameron glanced around once more for River, and found him talking to the actor playing Roderick. They shook hands, and Roderick clapped him on the back before walking off, shaking his head ruefully.

River looked… tired.

Cameron could say the same about himself. His makeup artist was just good at hiding it.

God, he’d missed him. They still had so much to talk about.

He stepped on his cue, trying to ignore River’s warm gaze and the mix of confusion and longing and love in his chest, trying to find Axel again.

Someone whowasn’tselfish and hadn’t spent the last two years dismissing his partner’s feelings at every turn, someonewho hadn’t betrayed the trust of their relationship and bonded with an alpha without considering how it would make him feel.