
He was distracted, missing cues and forgetting lines and fucking up the scene. He hadn’t had this bad a day on set in ages, and it made him even more frazzled.

“Okay, listen, Cameron,” the director said as he stalked over. His voice was even kinder, and it practically sent chills down Cam’s spine. “Something’s going on. We don’t have time for this today. Take ten. Snuggle your alpha or whatever else you need to do to clear your head. Come back and nail this. I know you can do it.”

God, he was beingniceand that somehow made Cameron feel even worse.

“I will. Sorry. I’ll get it,” he said. No time for excuses.

“We’re in it together, okay?” he said, and almost lifted his hand to put it on Cam’s shoulder, which usually would have been welcomed, but Cam didnotwant his hand anywhere near Ashley’s bite and?—

He caught himself, and dropped his hand. “Go on,” he said, and waved over at Ashley and Dylan, who watched from the sidelines.

Cam feltridiculousas he made the walk of shame from the scene and to his alpha, then past them, and to the collectionof trailers. They followed behind, but Cam didn’t let himself fall into Ashley until the trailer door shut behind them, Dylan standing guard on the outside.

He groaned as she hugged him and whined. “I’m a terrible person. A terrible partner, a terrible actor.”

She was clearly shocked by his revelation, holding him gently. “Everyone has off days. It’s fine,” Ashley said softly.

“Not me!” Cameron said, and pulled away. “I’mgoodat this! Acting is my favorite thing! Today I just suck.”

“Hey,” Ashley said, and there was the tiniest bite to her voice that made him look at her. “Be nice. Cut yourself some slack. Your two-year relationship just got turned on its head; it’s not surprising that you’re off your game.” She cupped his cheek and tapped his temple. “Let me in. The wall isn’t helping.”

Cameron knew she was right, but letting her in meant she’d have to feel all his frustration and sadness and guilt and?—

Everything he and River had feared was coming true.

Dating on set was forbidden because ofthis.Because it complicated things if it didn’t end well.

Cameron just never thought they’d have to worry about that. He and River weren’t supposed to... They were supposed to be together. And maybe a naive part of him thought thatforeverwent unsaid.

What exactly did you do to make that happen?

A highlight reel played in his head of all the times they’d been in public and he couldn’t reach for River, or stopped the beta from reaching for him. All the times River had asked to go public, to stop hiding, only for Cam to come up with some excuse.

And for what?


What did itmatter!

The difference is, Cam, I can admit when I’ve hurt you.

“Ugh,” Cameron whined, and buried his head in Ashley’s chest. Makeup could fix his hair. It was fine.

He’d hurt River over and over again, and never apologized for it. No wonder River was frustrated.

“Let me in,” she said.

Cameron broke down that stupid crumbly wall.

He sighed without realizing, and felt his shoulders slump.

“Oh, yeah,” he said. In his emotional distress he’d forgotten that the bond was there not just to reveal his own feelings but to… share.

His sadness felt less when he shared it with Ashley. She helped him shoulder it. Helped him feel less alone in his guilt at the situation.

She was quiet for a long moment as the bond flooded with everything they were feeling.