But there was no waiting. Cam wanted his alpha and his alpha wanted him and he wanted it to bereal. Toknowthat he belonged to her.

Her teeth sank in, right into his shoulder, a spot matching Dylan’s.

Because he belonged to her, just like that alpha did.

He cried out at the jolt of pain mixed with the pleasure, the sound echoing around the trailer since there was nothing hindering him.

He came, spilling inside her, and they rocked together. Her lock clamped down on him, impossibly tight and forever perfect and christ?—

Thebond.It wrapped around them, curling softly and settling into place like it was always meant to be.

Cam had never been bonded before, and was completely unprepared for the swell of emotion, the hole in his chest that was suddenly so full of Ashley, his alpha.

“Alpha,” he croaked out, and there were tears on his face and a bond inside him.

He felt her, made up of strength and affection and dedication and wonder and hesitation, before it all melted into one big explosion of pleasure.

Her teeth came out of his skin and her tongue lapped at the mark, and the bond snapped into place, solid andreal.

Cam blinked, the ceiling of the trailer coming into focus.

“Omega,” Ashley said softly, and nuzzled at him, kissing the mark. “Mine.”

“Yours,” Cameron said, sighing happily.

His hindbrain was quiet, and he let himself revel in it as he nudged his cheek into hers.



Ashley caught her breath, hyperaware of the extra set of emotions bouncing around her chest.

But as she stared down at Cameron, his face flushed and skin sheened with sweat, a circular marking of teeth in his shoulder…


Ashley purred at the sight of him, a rumble that filled the trailer.

His elation and disbelief and excitement and… relief mirrored her own.

Through her bond with Dylan, a mix of amusement and worry and arousal and… smugness.

She turned her head to meet his gaze and found him leaned back in the chair, book held open with one hand, but his attention on them instead of the pages.

“Satisfied?” Dylan drawled.

Ashley shrugged and turned back to Cameron, who studied her with half-lidded eyes. Bitten, bonded.Mine.

“Never been more so,” Ashley admitted, and leaned down to nuzzle Cameron’s bite mark, to nurse it some more.

She wished they were already home, in the nest, so she could nurse it all night, heal it until it was perfect.

“Ouch,” Dylan grouched, but she felt the teasing affection in their connection.

Ashley finally found someone she’d stop comparing to Dylan.

Because Cameron was her omega. Dylan was her alpha. Two completely different people, both belonging to her.