“See? It’s kind of cool, right?” Cam asked, hand locked in hers as he tugged her around.
Dylan followed at a comfortable pace behind them, playing the part of bodyguard all too well. She spied River at a white folding table of other people, all glowing softly from their laptops as they typed away. He met her gaze and smiled, but didn’t wave and quickly went back to his work.
Cameron showed her around set, but it wasn’t long before a PA approached him, announcing that he was needed at makeup.
“Wanna see the trailer?” Cam asked, and Ashley shrugged. Why not?
Cam showed her to the trailer, and told her he’d send Dylan when it was time for him to be on set. “River might stop by, but it’s unlikely. He’s been really busy.”
The trailer was small, cozy, and empty. There were hints of Cam all around over: A mini fridge full of protein shakes and drinks heavy on electrolytes. A coffee bar with sugar spilled on the counter, just like it was at home—Dylan. Protein powder also dusted the counter—Cameron. No traces of River, but it was like that at the apartment, too; the guy was just so damned tidy.
It wasn’t long before Dylan came to collect her, and she tried to ignore the few glances she got as she was escorted to the sidelines.
At least she could velcro herself to Dylan’s side for the most part. They were behind all the crew, boom operators and light guys and the director and producers and PAs. River was on set, in a different chair this time, but a laptop still in his lap, his fingers tapping away at the keys.
It was actually less chaotic than Ashley had heard from Cam and River’s stories, but she still tried her best to stay out of the way. She’d really thought sets were busier than this.
Approaching the set was a character in a fluffy white robe and—wait.
That was Cam.
Ashley’s brows furrowed as a few different people spoke to him, his makeup artist following and adding a few last touches before Cam was led to the bed on set and?—
“What kind of scene are they shooting today?” Ashley asked, though she had a pretty good idea—and a sinking stomach.
Dylan shrugged. “Looks intimate. I don’t know.”
They were too far back to really catch anything Cam was saying, but he nodded before stepping beneath the lights and pulling his robe off.
For a second, between the thirty or so people milling around, she thought Cam was completely nude, and had to fight to keep her mouth from falling open.
It took her a moment more to realize he was wearing boyshort underwear, painted or dyed to very closely match his skin tone.
As her hindbrain sat up to take note, Ashley tried to talk herself down.
Think about the facts. Ashley had seen the movies. She knew Axel Stevens was a spy, a fighter, a seducer. The staple of all action movies was the attractive love interest, the relationship the main character usually sacrificed it all for.
She gave River props for at least writing him as more of a sidekick and giving him an arc in the series, instead of killing him off or using him to further Axel’s own plotline.
The man himself, Lane, came on set next, and he and Cam shared a familiar smile before the director began going over something with them.
“I don’t know if I should be here for this,” Ashley murmured, turning her head as Lane—Calebegan taking off his robe before slipping under the covers to protect his privacy. He was handed a small tube of something Ashley couldn’t make out.
“I have to be here,” Dylan said, though his gaze was averted out of respect. “But if you want to chill by the refreshments table, or even go back to Cam’s trailer, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”
Ashley hemmed and hawed and bided her time until the actual filming started.
It got quiet on set and the lights went down and then… they were rolling.
She couldn’t hear exactly what was said between the characters, but she had enough of an eyeline to see Axel and Cale kissing passionately, ravenously.
Ashley’s hindbrainragedat seeing Cam kissing another person.
Which wasn’t fair, because it was literally Cam’s job.
I can do this. I can tough it out. He’s just acting.
Cale pulled out the small tube—lipstick!—and Cameron applied it, giggling and flirty and filled with sexual tension. But with every kiss—that beta wasmarkinghim with his lips—and fake moan that drifted across the silent set, Ashley’s face flamed a little hotter, because she was taken back.