Nic continued, “We can wait it out, set up an alternate entrance?—”

“I don’t want to jeopardize any of the clients,” Ashley said, resolved. “They come here for the anonymity. Because we treat them like people instead of celebrities.”

Nic nodded, leaning over to take her hand between both of his. “What do you want to do?”

“I think we both know,” she said, voice wobbling. She cleared her throat before she spoke again. “I’m the reason they’re here. So I think it’s time I cash in on some of my PTO.”

In the pocket of her leggings, her phone buzzed, and she just knew it was Dylan. He was probably worried about all the emotions flooding the bond, and Ashley tried her best to block him out, to keep from distracting him with her problems.

She sniffled, and Ashley had never seen Nic frown so severely. It didn’t look right on his face. “I hate this,” he said softly.

Tears welled and Ashley nodded. “I do, too.”

Her cloud nine began to rain. This wasn’t exactly how she’d imagined having a pack would turn out. It wasn’t supposed to come at the expense of the thing she’d dedicated her life to.

“Christ, come here, kid,” Nic said, and tugged her into a hug.

Ashley went, because Nic was probably the kindest person she knew, and she loved this job and him in the same way.

“You’renotfired,” Nic said. “I want you to come back.”

Ashley breathed out a slow, shaky breath as she nodded, trying with all her might to swallow back the tears in her throat. It wouldn’t be forever. Just until the news blew over, until they found another story to follow.

“With the way the press works, they’ll be onto something new next week,” Nic said, and pulled back.

“I know, I know,” she said, nodding, unsure if she actually believed it, or just needed to believe it so she wouldn’t fall apart. “Do I just get my stuff? What do I do about my clients?”

Nothing like this had ever happened to Ashley before. She’d been at the gym for… years.

It wasn’t long after her mother died that Ashley found the gym. Found catharsis in the way she could push her body and grow strong and work out her emotions, have something to look forward to. Nic’s old gym had been in a crumbly part of town, accessible to plebs like her, before it had burnt down.

Now here they were.

“I’ll put your PTO in. Do you want me to contact your clients, or do you want to?”

“I will,” Ashley said, though she didn’t know how she’d get through any of the conversations without breaking down. But she needed to contact them as soon as possible, especially because she had a few appointments this week.

“I’ll take over for you in the meantime,” Nic offered, and Ashley’s eyes widened. Nic didn’t really train clients anymore, not since he’d been all packed up.


“Yeah,” he said, cracking his knuckles. “It’s been a while since I’ve been on the other side of the desk, but I’m sure it’ll come to me.”

Lyric was going to kick his ass.

The thought brought a smile to her lips, and while it didn’t heal the hole in her heart, it distracted her.

“Alright,” she said. “I guess I’ll start making calls.”

Nic stood. “Use this office. I’ll be out front if you need me. Love you, kid.”

“Thanks, Nic,” Ashley said, offering him a smile, trying not to let the tears win.

The door shut softly behind him, and Ashley slumped into the seat, pressing the heels of her palms into her eyes.

There would be time for crying later.

So much time.