He might as well go all in. He glanced at Denise. “Tell me you understand.”
Denise stared warily at Christian, and Cam frowned, his stomach going woozy and nervous.
He inhaled River’s scent, Ashley’s almost overpowering it, if not for the angry alpha at his side. His scent burned Cam’s noseand he rubbed at it, probably messing up the powder the artist had started to apply.
“What I understand is that you’re willing to throw away an entire career?—“
“I thought you said it didn’t matter if I had River. That no one would take it seriously. If that’s the case, then it’s no big deal to introduce us as a couple.”
“I’m starting to suspect River is just the beginning. It’s different now that there’s an alpha involved.”
“Axel has Cale. Why can’t I have River?” Cam bit out through gritted teeth. God, he was tired of this argument.
“The difference is Axel isn’t real. They can’t have him, but they could have you. At least in the little fantasies they build in their head.”
“Why is that my problem? Having a partner doesn’t make me less of an actor. The fans will get over it!”
“You’re going to throw all of this away?” Christian asked, waving a hand. “Listen to them!”
Cameron heard the buzz of the crowd on the other side of the studio, their excitement filling the air. It was infectious, their energy, maybe even addictive. He could memorize lines and act his ass off, but the payoff was the fans, the adoration. “They love you as you are. You’re going to disappoint them in this way? Without even a warning?”
Cam frowned at him, angry that this alpha was making him doubt himself. River deserved someone who was able to tell the world how he felt. Cameron wanted to be that person for him.
Can you risk everything?
“I’ll meet you in the middle,” Christian said, interrupting his thoughts. “You can go off suppressants. But the least you could do is let us plan a campaign for you and River.”
Cam studied Denise, who wouldn’t meet his gaze. “You’d do that? You’d plan a campaign for us?”
“If you’re so fucking serious about some fucking beta, then yes. We’ll work on debuting you as a couple.”
“I… I want this in writing,” Cam demanded. If he was going to disappoint Riveragain,he wanted something to prove that it would happen. Just not now.
Christian threw up his arms. “Fine! I’ll have something for you by the end of the week. But by god—“ He pointed a finger at Cam. “I did not build a whole career out of you for you to tank it by sabotaging an interview. You are going to spray on some scent neutralizer, and you are going to complete this interview, withnocurve balls, or it’s your ass on the line!” Christian barked. Spittle flew and Cam winced at the demand in his tone, a whine wanting to crawl up his throat in response. He swallowed it, refusing to give this fucking alpha the satisfaction. Denise outright walked away, and Cam made a note to fire her, too.
“Hey!” Dylan snapped, and his bark filled the space as well, but it wasn’t aimed at Cameron. “Don’t fucking bark at him,” he growled.
Christian glared at Dylan, a sneer on his lips, and Cameron’s hackles rose. “Who are you to tell me what to do?”
“I’m the fucking bodyguard. Do we have a problem?”
The pause was so tense, Cam felt it in every hair that stood on end.
Christian cleared his throat, straightening his collar. “Do we have an agreement?” he asked, ignoring Dylan to talk to Cameron.
“Fine,” Cam bit out.
He’d play nice for now. But as soon as Christian’s back was turned, Cam was finding new fucking management. How dare hebark.Fuck this guy.
Just another fucking alpha.
“Good,” Christian bit out, but some of the tension slipped from his shoulders. His tone softened, and it felt fake. “Donotgo about this carelessly. River at least deserves that, right?”
Guilt filled Cam and he nodded. In a way, Christian was right.
“I’ll go retrieve your makeup artist,” he said with a sigh, and stalked off, shooting one last glare in Dylan’s direction.
“You okay?” Dylan asked.