His jaw flexed as hebit,and Cameron jolted beneath her, hands grabbing onto her hips as he came, spilling inside her.
The rush of it, of watching River’s teeth sink in, imagining herself doing the same, sent her over the edge, too.
“Fuck,” she hissed as her lock clamped down. Cameron shouted at the feel of her, the tightest squeeze he’d likely ever felt, and Ashley was barely able to rock, grinding herself, her clit, into the base of him. It spiraled, and he felt so big inside her, every fucking twitch another burst of pleasure so potent she had to still completely, letting it wash over them until she slumped against him.
It felt fuckingrightto lock this omega.
Notjustmine,she reminded herself.
River released his bite, a reddish bruise already forming.
Does it bother River that I’m here? That Cameron wanted… me?
Was he staking his claim in front of her? She didn’t mind, even if he was. She could share.
Cameron nuzzled into her throat as they caught their breath, and slowly they collapsed into a more comfortable position while they waited for the lock to release.
She purred, and Cameron stuck himself to her like glue to feel the vibration against his chest.
Ashley pulled River close, too, because she wanted him there.
She might have been an alpha, but Cameron was River’s first, and she wasn’t trying to take that from him.
The first time she ventured out of the nest for refreshments and energy, Dylan had the audacity tolaugh.
She growled at him as she snatched the sandwich from his hand, taking a chunk out of it before motioning for the rest to take back to the nest.
“Having fun?” Dylan asked.
Ashley gulped down some water, wiped her mouth off, and pecked Dylan on the lips.
Her grin was feral. “The fuckingmost,” she said, and took her offerings back to the waiting omega.
“Alpha,” Cameron whined, the force of it making her chest fucking hurt as her hindbrain raged with the desire topleasethis omega. To lock him.To make him mine.
“I’m right here,” she said, and pulled him into her. She rolled over onto her back, and he settled between her thighs, slipping in with practiced ease.
She didn’t know how long it had been but she knew she was tired, and yet it didn’t matter.
Theonlything that mattered was this omega.
“River,” she said, and he was there, peering over Cameron’s shoulder. More bites and bruises covered Cameron from his claimings, and she wished it would have the effect he so clearly craved.
“Fuck us.”
River’s lips parted with a quiet, surprised inhale.
She knew what she was doing, giving him this power. Letting him control their pleasure like how an alpha would.
He was ravenous for it, sticking himself to Cameron’s back, stilling the omega’s motions by curving a hand around his waist and one around his throat.
God damn, the sight of them together. If Ashley had any energy to spare outside of Cameron’s demands, she wanted to fuck River, too.
She’d let him play alpha with her, or maybe, just maybe, he’d like to be alpha’d himself.
But Cameron’s whines were constant, desperate, needy, and forcing themselves past the hand around Cam’s throat.