But hewasrestless, fiddling with the blankets and rolling over before turning back, unable to get comfortable.
River chuckled softly to himself and captured Cam against his chest the next time he tried to rotate. “Come here,” River said, voice quiet, low. “Bet an orgasm would put you to sleep.”
River was flush to Cam’s back, arms curled around his waist, holding him still. At his suggestion, Cam sank into him, head tilting to make room for curious lips.
“There we go,” River hummed, and Cam felt the rumble of each word against his skin.
River’s hands caressed him over his shirt, his boxers, his thighs—which were spreading eagerly for River’s touch—only for his fingers to skirt back up. They dipped under his shirt at last, and Cam arched into him. The flat of his palms smoothed up his stomach and chest, bringing the fabric along until River was able to pull it over his head.
Chills pebbled his skin at the cool air of the nest, but River’s warmth did away with them almost instantly.
Cameron hummed at the comfort of it, letting himself melt into River and the nest. He buried his head in a pile of blanket and?—
He sucked in a breath, one laden with Ashley’s scent. The bite of ginger went straight to his head, and he bucked his hips into the hand now teasing at the waistband of his shorts.
“Didn’t take you long to get desperate,” River murmured, and finally shoved his boxers out of the way, tucking them beneath Cam’s balls.
Cam groaned when River finally circled him with a deft hand. He was already so wet, dripping slick, and the glide of River’s fist up his length was divine.
Cam reached back and dug his nails into River’s hip, trying to drag him closer. He was hard, too, pressing into Cam’s lower back, but River wasn’t giving in to the urge to grind. Instead, he flattened his left palm over Cam’s chest, holding Cam tight to him. The only movements were the half-aborted twitches of Cam’s hips, trying to rock his cock into River’s hand.
Warmth stirred in him, not anything like a full-blown heat, but a tease, a taste, as pleasure arced down his spine, settling between his legs. It was in the head of his cock, which River twisted a fist around to capture his slick, making the glide even smoother, before it went to his head, making him feel light and floaty, like Ashley’s scent did.
Cam whined as River pulled his hand away, cock straining, tapping against his belly.
“River,” Cam moaned.
“I know,” he cooed, and slipped out from behind him. “Just want to taste you, that’s all,” he said.
Cam sighed happily at the news and melted into the nest, tugging a corner of Ashley’s blanket closer, chasing her scent like an addict with a new fix.
River paused between his legs and stared up at him.
Fuck, did I say that out loud?
“Yes, I’m your alpha,” he said, voice lower and darker than Cam had ever heard as he lapped at the head of his cock. Thankfully he already had a hand pressed to his hips to hold him down, because Cam instinctively rocked up to chase the wet heat of his mouth.
“Ah ah,” River tsked. “I know you too well,” he said smugly before lowering his head again.
Cam’s head bounced on the pillow as he let it fall back, River’s tongue circling his cock before wrapping his lips around him and sucking.
“Fuck,” Cam bit out, threading a hand through River’s hair. He had no control, just needed something to hold onto besides the blanket.
Sharp eyes slid to his, striking him with the heat in them, the desire. It cemented Cam in the moment, the scent of River coming back to the forefront, filling the room more than the light traces of Ashley on the blanket.
Maybe he would have mourned that had River not been so perfectly distracting.
He stroked his other hand through River’s hair, brushing the longer pieces from his face. He had the perfect view of River taking him down, swallowing around him, lips sealed.
The sight struck him, pleasure turning electric as River dragged him closer to the edge.
It simmered right beneath his skin, his abs tensing with it, hips trying to rock against the palm River had pressing him down.
“Close,” Cameron warned, a needy whine in his voice. “Don’t stop this time, please don’t stop.”
“Please, what?” River asked, a string of saliva connecting to the head of Cam’s cock.