It was entirely unlike somewhere Cam would frequent, and yet the omega was completely at ease. Maybe it had something to do with being hidden in the corner by three bodies and a ball cap. It was working so far, no one had recognized him and anonymity remained their friend.

“So, speaking of the future,” Ashley interjected, capturing their attention.

Not that Cameron’s was ever directed away from her for very long, anyway.

“What’s up?” Cam asked.

“I was just wondering, what’s next? I mean, since we won’t see each other at the gym anymore.”

River frowned as something in his chest lurched at the thought. That hadn’t even occurred to him because he just… figured she’d still be in their life, even if the gym wasn’t.

At the reminder of the change in schedule, Cameron’s entire demeanor shifted, like a rain cloud had opened up over his head. “You’ll still come over, right? To see… Dylan?”

River studied Ashley. Did she know how much Cam wanted to see her every day? How he would mourn their training together? How much River had gotten used to her being around?

“Is that… okay?” Ashley asked, wiping at the condensation on her red cup. “It’s not weird?”

“What? No!” Cam blurted. “Why would it be weird?”

“Not weird,” River interjected.

Ashley raised her hands innocently, her cheeks growing pink beneath the warm light above them. “I don’t know! I don’t want you to think I’m, like, a hanger-on or something.”

“Well, one, you’re mated to my bodyguard. Two, Ilikehaving you around,” Cam said.

“We’d miss you, simple as that,” River added. As Ashley smiled, seemingly shocked at their response, River let his attention trail to Dylan, wanting to clock his reaction, and found the alpha studying him already. They shared a look, a raised eyebrow each, before they both shrugged.

A mutualyes, I understand my partner is into your partner and they’re both too scared to do anything about it.

River liked Ashley. She was good people, and she liked Cameron. Probably more than she realized.

River tried not to feel territorial about it, but… River couldn’t compete with an alpha. After their talk, he knew Ashley wouldn’treplace him, wouldn’t leave him out. He just wished he would understand that through and through.

“You’re welcome anytime, is all I’m saying,” Cameron said. “And it’s not dependent on this asshole being there,” he said, waving a hand at Dylan. “Even if he’s not there, you can come visit.”

River swallowed a chuckle. Cam and Dylan had been glued together since the start of his contract—despite Cameron’s attempts otherwise—and he doubted there would be a moment when the alpha wouldn’t be around.

Well, besides the heat.

Cam was on such a tight schedule he’d already gone off his suppressants. His heat would kick in any day now, and they had exactly a week to get through it.

And who would be seeing the omega through it? River.

At the reminder, he felt like he could sit up a bit taller. He, a beta, would see Cam through it. Not an alpha. He was excited to disappear into their own little world for a bit, to take care of Cameron in all the omega’s favorite ways.

He’d been tending to Cam’s heat for years. Knew exactly the right treats to get, the right pillows and blankets, how exactly to work that perfect c?—

River cleared his throat and hid a proud little smirk in his drink.

After he recovered, he’d have to be on set for the first day. Cameron had already been balancing table reads and Zoom calls on top of training. It was just another thing River hated about the industry, there was hardly any time to breathe in the middle of a production.

River couldn’t imagine how little the two of them would have talked if he hadn’t surprised Cam by showing up. Even living together, they had to hide in separate rooms during their meetings so no one would know.

Being in a secret relationship sucked. Especially when that secret relationship was with the love of his fucking life.

“The heat’s this week, though,” River interjected, and Cam glanced over at him. “So when it hits, you’ll have your big, bad alpha all to yourself.”

“Right,” Ashley said. “Dylan mentioned something about that. They can do that now? Trigger a heat?”