As she clicked into a further schedule, she found the blank slots where Cam would no longer be on her roster.
What was she going to do when it was time to film, and Cam needed to be elsewhere?
How long did it take to film a movie? Months?
Okay, no. I need something to do with my hands.
Ashley grabbed a towel and cleaner and went around sanitizing some of the empty machines, just to have something to do, and refusing to think about the future.
She chatted with some of the regulars, and nodded to the trainers who were out and about, and pointedly didn’t think about what she’d do when her… mate was gone for months at a time.
Ashley finished the rest of her shift and drove home in silence. When she pushed in the front door, the house was as empty as always. While the ache of her mom’s death was ever present, sometimes it was easier to bury than others. This was not one of those moments.
Her mom would’ve been so happy that she and Dylan had found their way back together.
In her pocket, her phone buzzed as she collapsed upstairs, in her bedroom. It had certainly changed since she was an angsty teen, no longer covered in band posters and dirty clothes, but repainted and updated in colors she thought would fool her into not feeling like she still slept in her childhood bedroom.
She bounced against the bed and pulled her phone out, finding a message from Dylan.
Want to eat dinner with us?
She smiled at the words on the screen. Through their bond, he could probably feel her emotions, and it occurred to her that she’d likely never be able to lie to Dylan ever again.
There was a kind of freedom in that, in not being able to hide the depths of your emotion. It was extremely vulnerable.
With her lips pursed at that realization, she responded.
Yeah, where to?
Want to come to Cam’s for now and we can decide? Or if you’d like, we can come to you.
Ashley tilted her head to the side. On one hand, having a full house would be interesting. On the other, Cam’s apartment was new and modern and not full of outdated furniture and carpets.
And she was just one person. Easier if she just joined them.
I’ll head that way soon.
She could have dinner with them for a night.
Ashley arrived outside the apartment and smelled something garlic and onion and delicious… until the door opened.
“What is going on?” she asked, eyes wide as she took in the smoky scene.
River was waving a dish towel at one of the open windows beside the television, and Dylan was opening the other.
In front of the door, a sweating Cameron lookedstressed. He smelled it, too, honey and vanilla now bitter and burnt… just like the pan sitting on the stove.
“What happened?” she asked, and pushed the door open wider to clear some of the smoke. Her alpha instincts kicked in, and all she wanted to do was soothe him.
“He was trying to impress you again,” River called out, and through her bond with Dylan she felt a spike of amusement.
Ashley arched a brow at the omega and held an arm out before she could stop herself. He tucked into her side and her hindbrain flared as she squeezed him.
“That’s very sweet of you,” she said, and rubbed her hand up and down his arm. “But I told you, you impress me plenty on the?—”
“Mat, yes, I know,” Cameron sighed, and pulled away.