“Ashley,” River called, and held up the sunscreen. “Will you…” He waggled it at her.

After arching a brow and glancing between Cameron and River and finally Dylan, she accepted the bottle, checking to make sure it was waterproof, and pursed her lips as River spun around.

“Oh, this is the good stuff,” Ashley said, noting the label.

The betawinkedat Dylan as she dispensed a healthy dollop and rubbed her hand along his skin.

Her cheeks pinkened as the moment stretched on, and Cameron finally stopped pretending to be searching for something in his pack before declaring, “My turn!”

Dylan’s jaw tightened as River and Cameron changed places, sly little grins on their lips that Dylan could see right through.

Turning his attention to the alpha, Ashley didn’t seembotheredby the request. Did her blush mean she was embarrassed, or interested?

Why can’t both be true?

Doubt filled him again, and he felt the weight of the present in his backpack as he lowered it to the ground.

Was he being selfish? Should he just let things continue as they are, step back so Ashley could be the alpha she was so clearly meant to be to an omega one day? To… Cameron?

Why can’t she be an alpha to all of us?

He blinked as the thought occurred to him. A pack. With Cameron and River? With Ashley?

Dylan had never thought of himself as alpha material, proven time—hurting Ashley—and time—failing his last client—again.

“Ready?” Ashley asked, pulling him from his thoughts.

He glanced back up to realize that Ashley had tugged off her loose shorts and left them with her pack. She was clad in nothing but a bikini.

Dylan was going to pass away.

She took off, trotting up the trail to the left of the waterfall. Dylan was trying to be respectful. Truly. But Ashley was so fucking hot. He was trying to merge the awkward eighteen year old from his memory with the full-grown, confident, and capable alpha before him.

The one whose thigh and arm muscles flexed as she walked and tugged Cameron along. He glanced at River beside him, and found the beta just as distracted.

Dylan was struck with a lance of possessiveness.


The same one who marched fearlessly through the water at the top of the waterfall, keeping her balance even on slippery rocks, and stood at the edge.

“We made it!” she said, and turned to them, the biggest smile on her face.

Yep. She was his.

Dylan just had to make it real.

She made a circling motion with her hand to draw them closer, and Dylan tugged off his shoes and left them at the edge of the water as he waded toward her, his favorite direction.

“That’s… really high,” River said as he joined them, and gulped. “We’re gonna jump fromhere?”

“That’s the plan. Want one of us to go with you?” Ashley offered, but Cam was already stepping up beside his partner.

“No, it’s okay, I’ve got it,” Cameron said, and gripped River’s hand.

“Why don’t we go first?” Ashley suggested, motioning to… Dylan. His heart skipped a beat. “You two can watch.”

River smirked. “Not the first time I’ve heard that.”