Cam pouted, and it was adorable, as he often was. “I will not die. I’m not that dramatic.”

“I wouldn’t put it past you,” Dylan drawled, because he never passed up a chance to put that look on Cam’s face.

Thatone. The pinched one with his eyes all narrowed and lips in a line. “Poke your fun now.”

“Nah, I’ve got all day to amass ammo,” Dylan teased.

“I brought a small first aid kit,” Ashley chimed in. “You know, just in case.”

Cam groaned, “Not you, too!” and threw his hands up in the air before storming off. “I’m going to be the best hiker today, just you see,” he called out.

“Wrong way!” Ashley shouted, and Cam paused, came to a complete stop, and hung his head.

Dylan bit the inside of his cheek so hard to keep from laughing, he was surprised he didn’t draw blood.

Ashley shared a grin with him, and he swore his heart skipped a beat right before she adjusted her backpack straps and followed after Cam, clapping him on the back. “Just follow me,” she said, and began leading them towards a bright orange arrow sign nailed to a tree. A few other trails were marked at the edge of the lot with other colors like blue and yellow and pink.

Dylan held up the back of the line, keeping an eye on Cam and River as Ashley led the way.

It was a pretty easy hike, all things considered. The trail was visible, well-manicured and kept-up, not like Dylan had imagined it at all.

As the morning went on, the sun filtered through the trees and warmed them, the dew drying and the birds singing even louder.

Cam handled it like a pro. There weren’t crazy inclines or giant logs or rocks in their way, but hewasan active, strong guy.

Hiking was still certainly different from cardio in the gym, and all of them were suffering because of it.

Well, everyone except Ashley. She was the real professional here, barely breaking a sweat.

But she didn’t hesitate to pause or take a breather at the slightest hint, and was the first to make sure everyone had water.

Dylan recognized it not only as the kind, caring person Ashley was, but also… the alpha in her.

She was watching after Cam especially, and Dylan wondered if she even realized it.

“Did we put sunscreen on?” she asked, squinting at each of them.

Dylan’s lips twitched as he nodded. “It’s not time to reapply yet.”

“Okay, okay,” Ashley said, and held up her hands. “I get it. I don’t think we’re that far out anyway.”

The heat of the day was catching up with them as they continued on, the sun beaming down through the trees.

The humidity was unbearable, like walking through a wet blanket, and Dylan felt the past several weeks of the air-conditioned cushy life of a movie star catch up to him.

Not all of his clients were as kind as Cameron, who still disliked the necessity of a bodyguard.

Cameron, however, was the best client he’d had… ever. Even if he did tend to run away from protection instead of toward it most days, making his job redundant and impossible.

“Are we there yet?” Cameron whined, and Dylan swallowed a chuckle, glancing ahead. Bringing up the rear, Dylan had a perfect view as Cameron dramatically leaned against a tree. They were on an incline, but Dylan could already see the peak a few yards away.

“We’re so close,” Ashley called back. “You can hear the water already!”

Cam snapped his head up, staring in her direction as Dylan caught up. He clapped the omega on the back before motioning for him to go forward. “She’s right, you can hear it.”

Cam sighed and finally pushed away from the tree.

River and Ashley were chatting up ahead, pointing at certain trees and laughing.