Was this?—
Were they?—
Did she?—
Ashley had read her fair share of YA books, alright, and she knew this chest-squeezing feeling was something maybe she’d recognize later, but right then all she knew was that…
Well, it was no secret she loved Dylan. Ever since they were kids.
But maybe, just maybe, shelovedDylan.
The venue faded away. The echo of the crowd, the strum of the guitar, the thousands of people around them became background noise as her and Dylan’s gazes locked.
She watched the thought occur to him, felt his eyes dance from one side of her face to another. She tilted her head up, just a hint, and bravely—considering she’d never been kissed before—waited.
Dylan’s head lowered and she sucked in a sharp breath seconds before he followed. Their lips pressed together and herheart stopped and she gripped his side tighter because it felt like the whole world came out from beneath her feet.
This is really happening.
She perked up on her tiptoes, pressing into the kiss with a confidence she didn’t really know how to feel yet, and Dylan steadied her, his other hand rising to frame her cheek.
I’m practically living a romance novel right now.
Her cheeks split in a grin against the kiss, and her lips wobbled with nerves because, let’s be real, she had no clue what she was doing.
Dylan was a constant, an anchor for her in this suddenly topsy-turvy world, and then his lips were moving and she followed like an echo.
Then it was a real kiss, and Ashley’s heart leapt into her throat and her stomach was fluttery in the best way. She was warm and safe, and Dylan was kissing her, and?—
The song ended and the crowd came alive again, startling them both away. Her gaze darted toward the stage, where sparks were flying as the music ramped up again.
The electric tension was still alive all around them, but when their gazes met she didn’t find a weird, new elation in Dylan’s eyes.
She saw something she’d one day realize was… fear.
Realizing you’re in love with your childhood best friend at a concert on her birthday was maybe a bit awesome. Kissing her seconds after that earth-shattering realization? Magical.
In that same breath, popping a knot and also learning that, yes, everything you feared was true? Much, much less wondrous.
As the music came alive again, so, too, did he and Ashley out of their frozen romantic moment. As they shuffled apart, awkwardness now tinging the air between them, he tugged his shirt out of his waistband so the oversized fabric would cover his waist.
Dylan did not want to be an alpha. Anything but an alpha.
This is so fucked.
The concert was almost over, and he hated that he was wishing it away.
Well, at least all his weird feelings around Ashley lately had an explanation.
He was an alpha. Of course he was protective of her. Of course he wanted to take care of her. Of course he wanted to… kiss her. And put this stupid, godforsaken knot to use.
Dylan scrunched his eyes shut and tried to shake the feelings away. Ashley deserved better than that.
He tried to remain there, next to Ashley and singing all the words to the songs he knew by heart, but he was in his own head.