“Ashley’s eighteenth birthday was the last time we saw each other,” he said.

Cameron’s eyes widened and he wanted to turn and share a look with River, but thought it would be considered rude.

“Wow. That’s a long time ago,” Cam said.

“I know. So I wanted to plan something big and cool and show her that I’m sorry.”

“All hope isn’t lost, my guy,” River said, and leaned over to pat Dylan on the thigh.

Cam made note of that casual touch. “Why don’t you pivot? Bring some stuff tomorrow to surprise her.”

“Like what, a picnic? Isn’t that cheesy?”

Cameron shrugged. “I think a picnic is romantic. Think of all the planning it’ll take. She’ll know it wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment thing.”

“Exactly,” River chimed in. “You’ll have to put thought into it, which I think is the most important part.”

Dylan was coming around, his expression shifting. “Okay. Okay. I could find, like, a small… you know one of those personal cheesecakes? She used to love the shit out of those. And I’ll bring a candle.”

“See? That’s so sweet. Still impressive.”

“Besides, if it’s too big and showy, it won’t feel… genuine,” Cameron added, thinking of his own disaster with the fancy restaurant.

“I mean, babe, I could’ve told you that place was too nice,” River said. “I think I still have hives from being in there.”

Cam rolled his eyes. “Don’t be so dramatic. It was nice!”

“Too nice,” Dylan muttered.

“You, too?!” Cam asked, a whine slipping into his voice. “I just wanted to impress her!”

“She knows you’re wealthy already, because you subscribe to the gym she works at,” Dylan pointed out.

“Right,” Cameron said, and crossed his arms. Full-on pouting. Why hadn’t he thought of that?

“Well, next time we can get burgers and fries in plastic baskets with checkered wax paper,” Cameron said. “It’s not the place that matters, it’s the people. It was just our first…outingwith her. Seeing her outside the gym, I wanted it to feel different than when we’re on the mat.”

“It was certainly different,” River purred suggestively. “She looked divine in that dress.”

“Aaaand that’s my cue to go,” Dylan said, slapping his thighs and standing up.

“What? Why?” Cameron asked. “You were looking, too.”

“I have a picnic to plan,” Dylan said, voice all gruff and grumbly, and yet something told Cam that he was… excited.

He stood there with his hands on his hips. “You won’t go anywhere if I run out to get some stuff?”

Cameron held up three fingers. “Scout’s honor. I’ll stay right here.”

Dylan arched a brow at him. “Were you a scout?”

“Absolutely not,” Cam said with a grin.

The alpha rolled his eyes, and how dare he look so attractive in that all-black suit Cam had helped pick out?

“Please just go to bed so I don’t have to hunt you down.”

River threw a hand over Cam’s shoulders. “I think I can come up with a way to distract him.”