“I’m not teasing,” Dylan said.

He led her inside.

Boulevard was all dark, moody tones. Colorful, elegant flowers hung in baskets and huge displays over the bar and sat incrystal vases, and it was just as beautiful as all the photos she’d seen on social media.

They werealmostthe same height, and Ashley felt like there was a spotlight on her as she walked through the low lighting of the restaurant. A few glances landed on them, lingering on her tall form, her sharp build.

“Come on, I know you know,” Dylan murmured, leaning into her and lowering his voice. “His big, obvious crush on you?”

Ashley’s steps almost stumbled, and she was embarrassed to admit that it was Dylan’s easy stride and her arm in his that kept her steady.

“Hiswhat?” she hissed.

Dylan rocked his head back, eyes a bit wide and lips parted.

A realization occurred to her in that moment: Dylan was still handsome.

And apparently her client had a crush on her.

Now that he mentioned it…

Ashley thought back on the past few weeks through a new lens. Cameron’s smile, his teasing. He never minded getting thrown around the mat.

Ashley’s lips pursed as a smile tried to slip free.

Well. What a development. A movie star had a crush. OnAshley.

She couldn’t pretend a little thrill didn’t dance through her at the possibility.

“Oh shit,” Dylan said. “Pretend I never said anything.”

They rounded a corner, and Ashley would’ve addressed the subject more, but a private corner booth came into view and she didn’t get a chance to.

Because Cameron and River were there in said booth, and looking every part the movie star and boyfriend.

Her heart dropped. Right. Boyfriend.

Even if Cameron did feel some kind of blooming affection for her, he had apartner.A serious one, even if it was a private kind of secret.

Omegas usually had more than one partner, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary if Cameron really did feel something for her.

Her cheeks flamed at the bold thought, at imagining Cameron opening up his world forher.

Yeah, right.

River was the most casual, wearing a loud floral-patterned shirt by a very specific, very expensive designer. It probably cost more than what Ashley made in a day. Behind him she noticed a suit jacket thrown over the booth, and next to him…

Well, Dylan hadn’t been wrong.

Cameron stared at her for what might have been too long, a bit frozen, and it reminded her of the way she’d been struck when she’d seen Dylan.

His messy blond hair was still artfully mussed, but he was in a wine-red suit, almost burgundy, and it fit him like a glove. It might’ve been a bit tight around the arms, but Ashley only attributed that to his gains, and felt a bit of pride glow within her.

“Ashley, you made it!” River said first, and slid out of the booth to greet her.

It was the first time he’d ever greeted her with a hug, and his scent was so pleasant and light and his presence such a comfort that she had no choice but to return it.

She caught a whiff of something familiar at his collar and shared a private grin with him.