Christian arched a brow, and turned away, but not without one last smart comment. “Maybe we should up your suppressant dosage.”

Cam wanted to tear his hair out, and spun to River, who was already setting an extra coffee and water down on the table to his side.

“I cannot stand him,” Cam began.

River shrugged, sipping his coffee before staring down at its contents. “He’s not wrong. I’m just a beta.”

“You’remybeta,” Cam said, and stepped closer. His lingering scent on Cam’s collar, the ache in his shoulder wasn’t enough; he wanted to bury himself in this beta. “Put your coffee down.”

But River dodged and glanced around. “There’s too many people around that will talk.”

“I don’t care,” he whined.

“You don’t care rightnow,” River corrected. “We can think on it, talk more later, when we’re not just reacting to that asshole.” He grimaced, the first crack in his facade.

“River…” Cam practically whined.

“I know,” River said gently. “Believe me, I’m just as frustrated as you. But reacting rashly will not help the situation. It’ll just give people reason to talk.”

He was right, and Cam hated it.

He sank back into his chair and tried to bury his irritation. He just felt sorry for himself. For River, too.

“I love you,” he said, catching River’s gaze.

The lines around his eyes softened, and Cam committed each one to memory. Too many late nights squinting at a bright screen and lines of text.

“I love you, too,” River said, softly.

Cam believed him. He just hated the way River’s gaze had darted around to see if anyone was near before he answered.



For only the second time, Dylan arrivedwithCameron. River wasn’t with them; he was hung up in a meeting with producers.

As soon as they walked in, Ashley peered up from the front desk and greeted them with a smile.

“Hey guys,” she said, and next to her, Nic smiled.

“Hey, welcome!”

Dylan offered polite nods, as was the bodyguard style, leaving the small talk to Cameron. Especially after his first and hopefully last encounter with Nic.

It wasn’t often that the gym was filled at the same time they trained, but today it wasbusy.Other celebrities he recognized were being trained by other employees, and there were several faces he didn’t recognize.

Their grunts and the metallic clang of the machines filled the air.

He maybe should’ve paid more attention to what was said, because when he dragged his gaze away from Ashley moments later, it was because she was leading them through the gym, past the corner Dylan had unknowingly namedtheirs.

Instead she directed them down the hall to the room they’d used in the previous session.

“It’s a little loud in there today. I figured we’d be more comfortable in our own room.”

“Awesome. Can we do that? Just claim it?” Cameron remarked.

“Yeah, they’re usually reserved for classes, but just as often we train clients back here, too.”