His honeyed vanilla scent was strong despite his suppressants, filling the immediate area around them, and Ashley had to clear her throat, lest she lean forward and lick the sweat dripping down his neck.

Those hazel eyes were downright gleaming, and for just a second it was hard to catch a breath.

Damned movie star.

“Thank you,” Cameron said. “That felt…”

“Badass, right?” she offered, and chuckled as his wide eyes landed on her.

He nodded, and stripped off his last glove.

“Throwing in the towel already?” she teased.

He pouted up at her. “Haven’t I earned it?”

And now Ashley was thinking of what else he could do to earn much filthier things, and she needed to scrub her brain with soap and?—

“Fine,” she said, super cool about it and not at all horny. “I guess we can call it a day,” she mused, a twinge of disappointment filling her.

She noted movement out of the corner of her eye and it was only that moment she recalled their small audience of two, and she stepped back as River clapped, breaking her out of her internal displeasure.

“That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” River said, and launched himself at Cameron, who rocked back a step with an armful of beta.Did that include me?she wistfully thought.

“I’mcoveredin sweat,” Cam groaned, and that didn’t seem to deter River at all.

“Oh, I know,” River said, and licked a stripe up his neck.

Ashley’s cheeksflamedif only because she’d had that exact same thought just a moment ago, and ignored the pinch of jealousy in her chest, averting her eyes.

Coincidentally, in Dylan’s direction, who stopped mid-step as their gazes met.

As if he’d also stood to join them on the mat before remembering he wasn’t welcomed in the same way.

Ashley offered him a nod—very graciously, she thought—and clapped her hands together. “Alright. Well, I think we can call it a day. You two clearly have plans, and I think I’ll be reworking our schedule,” she told Cam with a raised brow.

He groaned. “So no more going easy on me?”

“Not a fucking chance.” She crossed her arms for good measure, leaning into her height. “I’m going to make your life hell, so enjoy it while it lasts,” she promised.

Cameron pursed his lips. “You can try. Bet it’ll be just as much fun as today was.”

And… Ashley was not prepared for that response. He was supposed to whine about it, and Ashley would double down and they’d laugh it off and part ways. Instead she floundered, because Cam wasflirting.

“I’m—I’m not going to lead you through stretches again,” she said, with a pointed glance at River. “Looks like you have someone to help with those.”

“Oh, I will,” River said, and if betas could purr she bet his chest would be rumbling.

Cam’s cheeks heated and Ashley chuckled before lifting her hands and stepping away. “You are not fucking in the training room, so get out of here,” she ordered.

“But that’s on my bucket list,” River whined, and Ashley rolled her eyes so hard it was a wonder they didn’t get stuck in the back of her head.

“Not dignifying that with a response,” she said as she grabbed her towel and wiped her face, then the back of her neck where the short hair was damp.

When she cleared her vision they were still staring at her, and she paused. “Did you need something?”

Seemingly caught, they stuttered into motion, grabbing their things with scatterednope’sandnever mind’s. In a handful of moments they were heading toward the door and Ashley was watching them go, amusement tickling through her, along with the worry that she’d missed something.

“See you tomorrow,” Cameron called out.