Lights, flashes, red carpet beneath their feet. Cameron was arm-in-arm with River, and behind him were Ashley and Dylan. Everyone looked devastating in fitted suits, and Ashley was wearingheels,towering over him in a way that made him want to call hermommyor something equally embarrassing.
That dress had beenmadefor her, and he and River found themselves distracted by it plenty of times through the night.
Cameras blinded them, belonging to photographers who called their names as if theyknewthem. They demanded they look left or right so they could get the perfect shot.
They were herded into the next area, where interviewers stood on their marks and waited for the stars to say hello. Ashley filed in behind them, and he felt her and Dylan and River’s support through the bond, their pride.
She was nailing her press smile—she’d been practicing—and Dylan was going full deadpan. It worked, since he was still technically the bodyguard.
Cameron greeted each interviewer, recognizing a few of them. He introduced his pack, engaging them as they discussedtheir time on the red carpet, and eventually wishing them a good night as they were signaled to move down the line.
“Cameron Thomas, how’s it feel to be here at the premiere to see all your hard work come to fruition?”
Cameron flushed and smiled. “It feels… like a relief. And it feels special that I can share this achievement with my pack!” he said, and nudged River. “This is River Thorton?—”
“The screenwriter, right? You’ve worked on all three movies!”
The interviewer earned points with Cameron, and he made note of their name.
River was clearly taken aback by the recognition, recovering quickly and grinning. “That’s me!”
Action on the screen, explosions and romance and overcoming the big, bad enemy. A standing applause chased them from the theater and into more press awaiting them after the premiere.
“WithHeat of the Moment: Hotter’s explosive debut, what’s next for Hollywood’s favorite action star?”
Cameron shared an utterly soft, puppy-love look with River. Cameron read his screenplay at least once a month, and couldn’t wait to push it into production. With time.
“I think I want to return to my roots. Maybe try my hand at a passion project, something indie.”
“Curiosity is killing us all. Who’d you bring with you to the premiere?”
Cameron squeezed River’s hand.
“This is my pack. River, who belongs here as much as I do, since he’s a screenwriter in the franchise; and Ashley and Dylan.”
“So it’s official? After all these months of teasing little photos?”
Cameron shrugged, and Ashley placed a hand on his shoulder, where his bite mark was, but to his credit, he hid the shiververywell.
“Don’t know how much more official you can get,” Cameron said, and River smiled like a fool.
This was their pack. They’d made it. Through too-long filming days and new management. Through the pains of selling Ashley’s house. Through the ups and downs of funding her own freelance training.
Through deciding on a place to live, people to call home.
“How are you going to celebrate the rest of the evening?”
Cameron smiled. “Pizza.”
“Pizza?” the interviewer asked. “Favorite topping?”
“River,” Cameron answered, and Ashley gasped before squeezing his waist in admonishment.
With a snicker, Cameron led them down the line, answering random questions and getting a laugh out of everyone at least once before moving on.
It was a long night, and while Cameron loved schmoozing with his fellow castmates, and Ashley was beautiful in a deep purple floor-length gown, and each of his pack mates looked dashing in their suits, Cameron was aching for the chance to drop his mask and relax with his pack.