And strangely competent in his ability to learn.

Once he was covered in sweat, face bright red even against his sun-kissed skin, and legs wobbly, she relented, even though what she really wanted to do was push him down to the mat and crawl right atop him?—

Bad alpha. No.

After they finished stretching to end the session, he practically collapsed to the mats, groaning dramatically.

“Bodyguard, I finally have a job for you,” he said, and tilted his head back.

The alpha she’d been ignoring put his book down and glanced at the omega. “And what’s that?”

“Go find a wheelbarrow, and wheel me home, because I can’t walk,” he complained.

Dylan rolled his eyes, and his gaze flashed to Ashley. Instinctively she wanted to return the smile, share the humor in this moment, and for a second she was eighteen again and they were best friends, about to have the night of their lives, and everything was perfect.

But then reality rushed in and her smile faltered and she averted her gaze from Dylan back to Cameron.

Cameron clocked all of it, his head swiveling between her and Dylan and back. Curiosity was in every line of his expression, but he had the decency not to ask. Instead he rolled to his feet, only a little less lithe than when they’d started, and groaned.

“This is going to hurt later,” he whined.

Ashley chuckled. “Go hydrate. Your nutritionist sent me your chart, so don’t forget the protein,” she mused.

Ashley shook her head. As much as she rubbed elbows with the glamorous, she found nothing glam about being told what and when to eat to keep up appearances.

Ashley wouldn’t be able to handle it, and she reflected on how unfair it was that the public held regular people to such an impossible standard.

The omega didn’t even blink, and nodded. “Yeah, we’re gonna start filming at the end of next month, and I’ve got to make sure I look consistent throughout the scenes.”

“Makes sense,” she responded. “If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.”

And then, finally, Ashley handed him a card with her cell phone number penned on the back. “Do not make me regret this,” she added.

The way Cameron’s gaze lit up was downright comical, and she rolled her eyes before bidding them goodbye and turning on her heel.

Bravely, she let her attention linger on Dylan on her exit. If she wasn’t imagining it, she thought she saw a bit of disappointment in his expression.

Which was sure to keep her up at night. She hated people being disappointed in her.

Ashley stayed late at the gym, clocking out but putting the equipment to use as she ran through her favorite reps, sweatingout the chaotic emotions she couldn’t help but feel around that particular alpha.

Just—ten years? With no word, after practically an entire childhood together? If anyone had the right to be disappointed, it was her. How dare he give her the most magical night of her entire life—which was sadly still true to this day—and then disappear?

By the time she was done with her reps, she probably looked no better than Cameron had after their session. She packed her stuff, and left with a wave at Nic, who she had yet to chastise for his little game.

After picking up a protein-heavy bowl from her favorite local Mexican place, she went home.

It was a blissful night in, and to avoid thinking about Dylan, she turned on the first movie of the series Cameron starred in.

Heat of the Moment.

Now that she knew him at least a little bit, it was almost embarrassing to see him on the screen. But with only a few moments into the movie, she forgot all about being embarrassed because Cameron was justthat good.

The movie wasn’t your run-of-the-mill action flick. There was a surprising depth to the character that didn’t have to do with some long-awaited revenge or vendetta. He played a regular guy who’d been thrust into an impossible situation and despite all the odds stacked against him… prevailed. There was no tragic death for the love interest, which was refreshing, and she watched them both sail off into a happily-for-now.

Ashley went to sleep with a flutter in her chest—for Cameron’s craft, of course—and vowed to whip him into shape.