“Oh. I—it’s embarrassing.” Wow, that was a long time ago, when she and River had begun the remodel, so many changes put into place after one little decision. Before she and Cameron had crossed the point of no return. Before she knew whether any of this was certain or just a daydream.

“Oh, tell me, come on,” he said. “Maybe we can laugh about it. Can’t be that bad.” He nudged her shoulder.

Ashley covered her face with a hand. “Okay, okay! At first I was thinking I’d just fix it up, update it to increase the value… because I was thinking about selling.”

“What? Really?” he asked, glancing over at the dining room, the paint still so nice and bright and fresh. “Why?”

“Well… I told you, it’s small. Too small for a pack. So, if I wanted a pack, I needed to be able to do my part and invest in a pack house, in case I did find one.” What she didn’t tell him is that she’d fallen in love with the place all over again as she began to turn it into something wholly… hers.

River’s mouth dropped open for a split second before he closed it, swallowing, as he gazed at her.

“What’s the matter?” she asked, touching his arm. “I’m the sad one, not you.”

“That’s… really lovely,” he said, smiling at her, but it was a melancholic smile, or maybe he was touched? “That you’d give up this piece of your past for your future—our future. I’m just really sorry this happened,” he said.

Ashley leaned into him, and breathed deeply to chase away the lump in her throat. She laid a hand on his thigh, and he hesitated for only a second before threading their fingers together. “Me, too.”

Earlier, when Kenzie and Jordan—those two were always together these days—had called to check on her, Kenzie asked Ashley, “Are you still sure this is the right thing for you, a pack?”

And she’d asked herself,If this pack did cost me the gym, would it be worth it?

What was her other option?Notcourt Cameron and be a part of the pack? Not have River here when she needed him?

Her stomach twisted dangerously at the thought of not seeing Cameron or River anymore. That wasn’t what she wanted.

She’d told Kenzie, “I think… with all that’s gone wrong, this pack is theonlyright thing,” she admitted.

“Hey,” she said, nudging River.

His jade gaze was wide and open as he met hers.

“Looks like we both got what we wanted,” she said, a genuine smile gracing her lips. “Remember?”

The last time they were here, when River was helping her paint the dining room, the secrets they’d shared.

But instead of relief, revelation, or excitement, she could have sworn a flash of guilt passed through his eyes before he hid it.

Before she could ask about it, he slapped his thighs and stood up. “Do you want me to help you finish scrubbing the floors? Cam and Dylan won’t be home for a while yet.”

Ashley nodded, reached for her caramel macchiato, and finished it off.

“Yes. I’d love to do anything but think about all the free time I just came into.”

She tugged him to a stop right before the kitchen, and he spun to face her.

Ashley hugged him again. “Thank you for being here for me.”

The way his arms folded around her reminded her of something gentle, something like… reverence.

“It’s the least I can do,” he said, voice equally gentle.

Maybe this whole thing was affecting them all more than they’d anticipated.



River was the one who put the key in, letting them in without even knocking.