“River… I don’t think that’s true. I mean, do the fans’ opinions really mean so much?”
He shrugged, but didn’t hide the pinch of hurt on his face fast enough. “I think so. I mean, why else wouldn’t Cameron do anything about it?”
She didn’t have an answer for that, but wished she could ease some of the hurt. At the very least, she could listen, let him vent.
“How much are we oversharing?” River asked, and Ashley laughed.
“There’s no such thing,” she answered.
“Well, I’ve always been the stepping stone guy. The one they date while they wait for someone better to come around.”
“What?” she asked, because that couldn’t be right. River was so handsome, and creative and talented andsweetand… “Really?”
“In college, I dated a girl who was always stringing me along. Eventually she ended things so she could explore a connection she had with an exchange student. Then, after college, I was in a relationship with a guy who always wanted to come to the parties of the people I knew, but never wanted to, like, go on dates? I didn’t see it at the time, but looking back…” He huffed out a breath, one hand rubbing a flower from his collage of tattoos. “I was stupid for not seeing it sooner.” He paused as if realizing what he was doing. “I got these as a reminder. They’re columbines.”
“What do they represent?” Ashley asked. Did all the flowers on his arm mean something? She spotted a fern and a few she didn’t recognize.
“Foolishness,” River said with a chuckle, and her heart panged. “All that to admit… sometimes I’m afraid Cameron will turn out the same way. Especially the longer we go keeping it a secret. Like, is he ashamed? Or just waiting for something better?”
Ashley hummed in thought. Cam and River wereonein her mind; there wasn’t one without the other. The idea of Cam waiting for somethingbetter,somethingother,was foreign. “I can see where you’re coming from, what with your past experiences. I haven’t known either of you for long, but you guys are a match made in heaven,” she said. “I mean, when you come along for training, all he wants to do is impress you.”
It was River’s turn to flush, and she enjoyed the color on his cheeks. He ducked his head once before grinning and turning to face her.
“I’m not the only one he wants to impress, you know,” he said.
Ashley tried to remain completely casual. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, come on,” River drawled. “You know he’s got it bad for you.”
“Listen, I know things aren’t exactly… neutral between Cam and I, but he’s my client, and I want to take the boundary between client and trainer seriously.”
“We smoked weed together,” River said. “And Dylan confessed his love for you in front of him. Which was quite the power move, by the way. Very romantic.”
Ashley gulped. “Okay, so?—”
“All I’m saying is, I think it’s time to stop pretending something isn’t happening there.”
Ashley sighed low and slow. “And… how do you feel about that?” Ashley asked, swallowing.
Her heart pounded in her chest as she awaited his answer. She didn’t know why she was suddenly nervous—River had been nothing but sweet and flirty and welcoming towards her.
“I think he’s drawn to you, and you’re drawn to him. I think there’s something there you both want to explore.”
“And you’d… be okay with that?” she asked hesitantly. “Not that that’s what I intend. I don’t know what I want to do!” she blurted.
River chuckled softly, and the smooth sound put her at ease. “I’m not trying to discourage you. I mean, these things can mutually exist, you know? All I ask is that… I don’t get left out.”
Ashley leaned over and nudged him. “It wouldn’t be fun without you there, anyway.”
He glanced at her and smiled, and it was utterly soft and made her stomach leap. Did this beta just give Ashley permission to pursue his omega?
Did shewantto pursue this omega? She wasn’t brave enough to ask about the heat.
And maybe that was too soon, anyway. She and Cameron could always explore their… connection after.
“There’s no rush. But… thank you for trusting me with this,” Ashley said, touched.
“Anyways, I think that’s why he’s been asking about a pack recently. Why doyouwant a pack?” he asked.