Dylan nodded. “I don’t want to fail him. That’s why it’s so infuriating when he doesn’t cooperate.”
“Cameron is adored, though. I think the most you’d have to worry about is a too-enthusiastic fan.”
“Oh, really? A famous omega who is notoriously marketed as a bachelor, an omega that could belong to anyone?”
Ashley pursed her lips, and her scent went even more bitter. “Oh. I guess I didn’t think of it like that.”
“Yeah. I’m here for a reason.”
“You take your job seriously,” Ashley said.
“I have to. I know what can happen if I don’t.”
Her silence spoke volumes. “Wow, you’ve really thought about this, huh?”
“I don’t want anything to happen to him.”
Dylan frowned at the thought. As annoying as Cameron was, Dylan was… fond of him. He wanted to protect the little shit, and not only because he was paid to.
“You care about him?”
“I mean, sure.” He paused. “Not like you, though.”
“What does that mean?”
“Cam and I aren’t… compatible. The company does a scent test before we’re paired with a client. It cuts down on complications. Cameron just doesn’t have the same… draw to me.”
“You don’t like his scent?”
Dylan lowered his head to brush his lips over her shoulder, inhaling. “Too sweet for my taste.”
She hummed, and Dylan kissed her bite mark beneath her tee once before relaxing again. “You like it, though,” he guessed.
Ashley shrugged, and he could tell she was blushing even in the dark.
He loved that she still did things that reminded him of the younger Ashley. Her awkwardness and embarrassment.
But he also loved that she was an alpha—that she could bark him into place, or best him in a sparring match.
“You’re an alpha. It’s normal to want a pack,” he said.
“I know, but…”
There, in the connection, was the real answer. She was scared.
“But…?” he prompted.
“We just figuredusout.”
Dylan laid a hand over the one she had resting on his chest. “Hey. Damn right we did. We’re bonded. I’m not going anywhere. Even if you decide you want to try courting Cameron.”
Ashley swung a leg over his lap and stared down at him.
“Now that’s a terrifying thought. Courting? I don’t think I can court Cameron.”
“Why not?”
Ashley frowned, stroking a pattern into his chest. “Uhm, he’s my client?”