Trying to nail down the mix of emotions in his chest was impossible.
He was amused, certainly, that Dylan had fretted about Ashley for so long only for it all to seemingly work out.
He was jealous, because he was thinking of himself, of course, andhisfeelings about Ashley, and whether they were null and void because of this new development.
He was worried, because if his bodyguard had a falling out with his trainer, one of them would have to go, and honestly… Cam almost hated to admit it, but he was becoming fond of Dylan after all these weeks of his protection.
The alpha was good at his job, and it was endearing. Competence. How about that?
Dylan also remained tight-lipped about the whole situation, giving them not a single detail of the evening, which made Cameron begrudgingly respect him even more.
As they walked into the gym, Cam tucked all of the warring emotions away, putting them on pause. Or at least he tried to.
Cameron panted as he was bossed around the mat, put through drills and sparring and kicking ass. He’d really come so far in just a month, and he had this alpha to thank.
This alpha that smelled especially delicious today. Ashley’s scent was dulled to him, but usually he caught whiffs, all zinging ginger and refreshing citrus. Today there was something a littlemoreto it, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.
He guiltily enjoyed it before putting it out of his mind to focus.
“You are still leaving your left side open,” Ashley said, and tapped his ribs. “Stop that.”
“Fuck,” Cameron groaned. “I keep forgetting.”
“You’ve got this. Again,” she said, and squared up across from him.
He’d definitely gotten more comfortable rolling around on the mat with her, and prepared himself for when she?—
Ashley launched at him, always the first to strike, and one day he’d get a leg up on her, but that wouldn’t be today.
He did manage to get her down to the mat many attempts later, lifting both gloves to the ceiling in a victory punch. “Yes!”
Then he held out a hand to her and pulled her up, her tank strap sliding askew, and he noticed the shiny surface of a bandaid.
“Hey, are you okay? There’s a—“ Cam paused as the bandage on her shoulder registered. Its placement, its newness, after the previous night. “Oh.”
Ashley covered the mark again, adjusting the straps on her tank top and sports bra. She… shrugged. “We wanted to see how long it would take you guys to notice.”
“Holy shit,” Cameron hissed, gaze lifting from the now-covered bandage to her russet-colored eyes.
“Yeah,” she said slowly, tracking Cam’s expression.
He pasted a semblance of neutrality on his face. “You’re good?” he asked, unsure if he should pummel Dylan for pressuring her, or…
“I’m very good,” she said, and nodded at Dylan, who was?—
Cam glanced over his shoulder to eye the alpha, who was rubbing his own shoulder absently, as if it was sore. Like from a bite.
“So you guys have everything figured out, then?” Cam asked, treading lightly.
“Eh. We’ll get there,” she said, and he couldn’t begrudge her the happiness in her expression, barely tamped down behind a wall of professionalism she prided herself on within the gym.
Jealousy wound through his ribs like a vine, curling and spreading and gripping his heart. Had he missed his chance with her? Game over?
How could he feel so disappointed when he had to keep his relationships secret anyway?
“Well, that’s good, yeah. Congrats? I think. Is that what you say?” he laughed, and even to his own ears it sounded strained.