Was that Julian’s game? This whole time? Showing up hurt on their doorstep? Latching onto them, refusing to let go?
They buried their head in their hands.
It all made so much sense now!
The frivolous magic, the gambling, the—
Their head snapped up.
Was itallan act?
Rami’s chest caved in, deflating as all the air rushed out of them as if they’d been kicked in the solar plexus.
Had Julian seduced them for atemptation?
Their throat closed up, tears threatening to well at the realization.
Of course that was it.
Rami let out a bitter, airy chuckle.
Of course.
Of course the first person Rami let themself care about incenturies…was only there for an assignment.
Ramiwas Julian’s assignment.
They dropped their head, staring down at the letter as if the words would rearrange themselves into something that would make more sense. Anything else.
Howcould Julian do this? How could he just—just—
Was none of it real?
They wanted to laugh and couldn’t find the energy.
Ramiknewbetter, was the thing. They knew better than to let anyone in. Angels on Earth didn’t get to havefriendsorloversbecause they alldied.Rami outlived them all, forced to mourn them for the rest of their existence.
They didn’t know why they’d thought befriending a demon would be any better.
They shook their head.
Fuck!No wonder Julian hadn’t wanted to leave once he felt better. Not because he feared he’d be hurt again, or because he had nowhereto go, but because if he left, he wouldn’t be able to tempt Rami. And with only a handful of days to do so…
They choked back tears and shut their laptop more harshly than it deserved, patting it once to apologize. Then they shoved the letter out of sight, into the drawer, and slammed it.
They didn’t apologize to the desk.
They sipped their coffee to wash away the lump in their throat, then leaned back in the chair and looked at the ceiling.
Rami didn’t even know what to do from here.
None of Julian’s temptations had worked, and part of them felt some form of pride at that fact.
But now what?
Just then, Rami heard the house settle from Julian’s waking steps.
Rami sat up straighter, rubbed their shaky hands against their thighs, and stood.