In fact, he felt so refreshed he didn’t even need some stupid angel to help him, so he unplugged the drain with his toes and then braced himself on either side of the tub before—

“Ohhhh fuck,” he groaned, teeth gritted as he lifted himself up.

His arms shook and his side throbbed, and his knee felt like someone had stuffed cotton between his joints.

But he did it—he made it to his own two feet, heavily leaning one hand against the wall as he stepped over the edge of the tub and onto the fluffy white mat.

Water dripped off him onto the floor anyway, and he swallowed a grunt as he lifted his other leg out of the bath, knee protesting the whole way.

Everything was going well until he tried to put weight on that leg and walk. It just… didn’t work, and he careened into the wall with a thud and a curse.

“Now, I told you to call out for me when you were ready,” Rami said, pushing into the bathroom like they owned the place—they did—and coming to Julian’s rescue like he’d asked him to—he hadn’t. “You’re going to hurt yourself even more if you’re not careful,” the angel scolded him.

Scolded! A demon!

Julian would have laughed in their face if he weren’t huffing in pain.

Rami draped the towel over him before helping Julian back to his feet. He had to lean on the angel; he had no choice in the matter as he was dragged from the bathroom to the bedroom, and carefully lowered to the bed.

Without another word, the angel walked over to the dresser and started rummaging. When they turned again, a stack of clothes in their arms, their gaze… dipped.

Julian followed it, lightning-quick, and discovered the towel had not stayed in place like the angel had probably intended.

Rami’s pale cheeks flushed a delicate pink as they averted their gaze. Julian grinned, target locked.

Maybe, just maybe, tempting this angel wouldn’t be so difficult after all.


They should’ve known the demon would be too stubborn to ever call out for help.

And yet, when they’d heard the water drain after unpacking and reheating their food, they’d thought surely Julian would be calling for them any moment.

They’d even ascended the stairs, anticipating his call. Expectant, Rami had paused outside the bathroom door, waiting, up until they’d heard the thump and a hissed curse.

They’d rolled their eyes—should they start keeping count?—and pushed through the door, chastising the demon for being so unreasonable. Honestly, he washurt,why wouldn’t he—

Ah.Yes, that was it. He had been hurt, probably by someone higher up than him, someone he knew, was relatively close to. Well, ascloseas Rami imagined one could get in Hell. Rami’s chest ached at the idea.

Why would this demon trust anyone?

This is what they were pondering when they turned, the clothes chosen for Julian suddenly heavy in their arms. The demon was sprawled across the bed thatRamislept in—or read in—every single night. Acrosstheirblankets, the demon’s bared skin was displayed, from his bruised chest and side to his hips and thighs and—yes, that was certainly…

Heat rushed to their cheeks, and they averted their gaze as he stepped forward, dropping the pile of clothes beside him onRami’sbed.

“Here are some clothes for you. Do you think you can manage?”

Ignoring the demon’s cheshire grin, they took a step toward the stairs.

“Sure I can,” the demon drawled, and he did not sound like he intended to dress one bit.

“Well, cover the bits you want protected from hot pasta, at least,” they snipped, and left the bedroom, steps thudding down the stairs as they retreated to the kitchen.

Rami poured themself another glass of wine and drank it impolitely quickly.

Then they continued what they’d been doing while Julian was bathing.

On Earth, humans had to eat to survive. Angels didn’t. Likely, demons didn’t either. But it most certainly wouldn’thurt,and Rami wasn’t going to feed themself while Julian went without.