Page 86 of King of Ruin

“The tunnel. You know I need the property to keep the tunnel project moving forward. It’s our way to get Luke and Kate back. Fuck?—”

She slumps to the side, her face pressing into the pillow as she lets out a wounded noise that rips out my heart.

Tentatively, I reach out to touch her again. I know I ruined everything, but I have to try and fix this. My hand hovers over her body, finally brushing along her upper arm.

This time she doesn’t jerk away, but she doesn’t pause in her crying either. The tears pour out of her and onto my pillow. I lean forward, resting my face on her legs. “Please.”

“What else haven’t you told me?”

My teeth clench together. There is a part of me that doesn’t want to admit to anything else. But since she knows two of my major sins, I might as well get the third one out. “Thomasina.”

She sits up then, so fast, I nearly fall. “What about her?”

“She…Jack didn’t find her behind his car.”

She smacks my shoulder. Hard. Not that it hurts. And honestly, I deserve for her to give me a good beating.

Pushing me away, she stands. “You manufactured a cat in need?”

“I wanted you to be comfortable.”

“You wanted to manipulate me!” She huffs before she spins, charging toward the closet. “Where is my dress?”

“Which dress? You’ve got like ten?—”

“The one I came in. I’ll return the underwear I’m wearing later. I?—”

“I don’t want the underwear back.” That’s not strictly true. I want the underwear, still dirty, and I want the woman in them. “The clothes are yours.”

“I don’t want your clothes,” she stops, her hands coming to her hips. We’ve had this entire exchange in our underwear, and it’s not helping one bit. I can see every part of her, from her beautifully flat stomach, to the flare of her hips, to her full, round rack. My hands itch to touch her. Hold her close.

“The clothes are yours.”

She shakes her head. “It’s all been a lie.”

“No,” I stand too, moving toward her. “I told a few lies but everything else is true.”

“How could I have trusted you? How could you…” Tears are streaming down her face, and I hate that I hurt her like this.

I’ll do anything to make it better.



I wishI could have this conversation with Roman and not cry.

I wish my heart wasn’t breaking in two in my chest.

But I can feel the tears streaming down my cheeks and my chest aches with all the hurt and pain.

Everything has been a lie.

I was wrong.

The pain in this moment was not worth it. I should go back to hiding in my house. Except that…

This one little adventure out is about to cost me everything.