Page 39 of King of Ruin

The restof the evening is quiet.

I make Maddie dinner, helping her to the stool at the counter where we eat.

I can’t help but compare Maddie with my mother. Maddie is the first woman to live in the same space with me since my mother’s death.

And while Maddie is not a drunk, there are certain similarities. I had to feed my mother too. It’s where I learned to cook. She’d need me to cook for her to sop up the alcohol.

It touches some deep chord. This is the exact kind of relationship I’ve been carefully avoiding.

Any woman is too much commitment for me. But Maddie would be this other level…

Not that I’m not tempted.

I sit next to her, glancing over as she delicately eats, her blonde hair tumbling down her back.

Sick fuck that I am, there’s a part of me that wants to brush it out. Run my hands through it, as I carefully style the silkystrands. For some reason, when it comes to Maddie, I’m turning into a masochist.

I clear my throat, sitting back on my backed stool. “Tonight, I’ll let you have the bed.”

She looks over at me, and I catch the slight wince. Does she want me in the bed with her? Trust me, I want to be there.

While I’m feeling conflicted about the relationship, I’m crystal clear on the sexual energy sparking between us.

I want Maddie more than I’ve ever wanted any other woman, and I intend to have her.

But not tonight. I’ve got business and she’s not ready.

“Where will you sleep?”

“On the couch,” I answer, setting down my fork.

I need to leave and search Luke’s office, but I’d prefer Maddie not know I was gone at all. I wish I was going with Leo to look for Luke myself. But I trust Mason.

Or I usually trust Mason. Today tested that trust. Between banning me from Luke’s search and throwing shade at Maddie…

But I’ll hold the line. Mason is our fearless leader.

She takes another bite of the chicken and tahini sauce that I’ve made, her jaw softly chewing until she gives the meat a delicate swallow.

I silently make her a few promises.

I’ll make certain her future is secure.

I’ll see that she has a facility, a place to live.

I know it won’t be her grandmother’s house, but I can install all the latest features, make it as comfortable a place to live as it can possibly be. No stairs, voice-activated everything, proper lighting.

Maddie deserves that.

She deserves a great deal more…

I grimace as I pick up my fork again. I still hate taking her grandmother’s place away.

“Everything all right?”

“Fine,” I answer.

“You know…” She twirls her fork on her plate. “You don’t have to sleep on the couch. I…”