I could hear the smirk in his voice, and so I lifted my hand to give him the finger.
A laugh burst from his throat. “Seriously. Go. I’ll text you, Leo. You did good today. Finn, I’m sure I’ll see you around soon.”
When he’d retreated to the front of the studio where Alyssa was stretching, I ran my hands up Leo’s thighs.
“Wanna get out of here?”
Showered and dressed in comfortable joggers and T-shirts, we were ready, and I couldn’t delay any longer. Directing Finn to sit in my gaming chair, I navigated to my phone’s music app and selected a song. Gathering my courage, I reminded myself that I was doing this for my best friend, the person I loved, who’d never judge me or make fun of me.
Then, I began to dance.
“Fuck, Leo,” Finn groaned, his gaze turning dark and hot as I rolled my hips, doing a hybrid of the dance moves I’d practised with JJ and Alyssa and my own version of the choreo I’d watched online in preparation for this. Straddling his thighs, I lifted my T-shirt, tugging it up and off my body, leaving my torso bared to him.
“Can I touch?” he rasped, white-knuckling the arms of my chair, and I nodded. He inhaled sharply and brought his handsup, flattening his palms against my chest. His hands shook slightly, and it helped to relax me a little, knowing this was just as big of a deal for him as it was for me.
We both knew where this was going to end up, and I couldn’t lie to myself and say I wasn’t afraid. Iwasafraid. But I was also excited that I was going to be experiencing this with Finn. I hadn’t even thought I’d ever get to the point of wanting this with another person, but with him, everything was different. I wanted it all. I was greedy for Finn, and I wanted to try everything with him, to give him all my firsts.
He thumbed over my nipples, and my breath hitched, but I kept moving, rolling my hips down, watching as Finn’s pupils expanded so the black almost completely obscured the deep blue of his irises, his cock lengthening and tenting his joggers. A gaming chair wasn’t an ideal location for a lap dance, but we were both determined to make it work.
“Take it off,” I murmured, running my fingers along the hem of his T-shirt, and he wasted no time in yanking it off his body, leaving all his gorgeous, toned muscles on show for me. Leaning in, I kissed across his collarbone and then up his throat. He moaned, getting his hands in my hair and tugging my head up so he could kiss me. The lap dance was forgotten as we lost ourselves in each other, kissing and kissing like we’d never get enough.
Was it possible to ever get enough of Finn Carsley?
He broke away, panting. “I want you so fucking badly. Do you want to try? If not, we can do whatever, I just—fuck, baby. I just want you so much, however you’ll have me.”
“I want to try.” Sliding off his lap, I stripped off my joggers and underwear, no longer shy under his gaze, and he moaned.
“So fucking hot, baby. Get on the bed.”
I got onto the bed.
Lying there, I watched him as he came to stand next to the bed, close enough to touch. It soon became clear that he hadn’t bothered with underwear, his hard cock springing free as he lowered his joggers and kicked them away.
“Finn,” I breathed, and he sucked in a shaky breath.
“I never knew it was possible to want someone this much.” He glanced towards the newly purchased bottle of lube I’d left out on my bedside table. “How do you want to do it?”
So far, all we’d done was get lube and get tested at the sexual health clinic on campus. Obviously, I’d never done anything with anyone, ever—not counting the things I’d done with Finn, but I’d read some weird stories online that had made me paranoid. I’d forced myself to make an appointment to get tested, just to ease my mind, and I’d sat through a lecture about PrEP and STDs and some other acronyms I couldn’t remember. Then afterwards, as I was leaving, the nurse had tried to give me a supply of condoms. Blame my anxiety or blame me for never knowing how to react in new situations, but I’d run out of there with my face on fire, clutching a handful of extra-safe condoms and hoping with everything I had that I didn’t run into anyone I knew. Or anyone at all.
Anyway, the result of our trip to the clinic was us receiving the news that we were good to go. There was nothing stopping us from trying penetrative sex, other than our own minds. My mind, mostly, and I was pretty sure that a lot of Finn’s apprehension was because he was worried about me.
“I…I don’t know. What do you want?”
He shrugged and then laughed. “Fucking hell. Why don’t we flip a coin? Heads, you top, and I bottom, tails the other way around?”
“It works for me. I thought you might dare me to do it one way or the other,” I teased, but he immediately shook his head.
“I wouldn’t make that into a dare, not until we work out our preferences and comfort levels and everything.”
“I know.” Climbing onto my knees, I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck and pulled him into a kiss. “I trust you with my life, Finn.”
“Same.” He pressed forwards, his hard cock rubbing up against mine, making me moan. “You feel so fucking good, baby.”
“Coin,” I said breathlessly. “Quick.”