Page 62 of Dared

His mouth twisted. “Fuck, babe, I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have said anything, but after what you told me, I needed to know if there was anything that could be done. Any provisions that could be put in place to make things easier for you.”

I thought back to the conversation I’d had with him at our first dance rehearsal after the camping weekend. I’d been on a high with everything we’d achieved over the weekend, all the things we’d added that would make our project stand out. At the same time, I’d been filled with dread at the thought of the presentation. JJ had caught me at a weak moment, and the whole story had poured out of me. I didn’t mind him knowing because he was my friend and already aware of my struggles.

Then, my lecturer had emailed me this morning, mentioning Dr. Wilder had some concerns about me doing the presentation…

Why can’t I be normal? I asked myself for the thousandth time. It was fucking horrible feeling this way. On the one hand, I was grateful to my friend for caring enough to try and make my life easier—and for Dr. Wilder himself to do something—but on the other hand, angry with myself for yet again making my friends worry about me enough to go out of their way to try and make me more comfortable.

The result of JJ talking to his boyfriend-slash-scariest lecturer in LSU was that I’d discovered that the university had a policy in place for students who found it difficult to do presentations or speak up in front of people for whatever reason. I had no idea that was a thing until now. No one had ever told me, not that I’d ever communicated how difficult I found it to my lecturers. It was hard to explain if you didn’t suffer from social anxiety, but suffice to say, I felt like I was a burden, and I couldn’t even imagine feeling comfortable enough to speak to one of my lecturers about my issues.

“Leo. I was only trying to help, I promise. I’m sorry.”

Shaking my head, I met JJ’s gaze. “It’s okay. I’m not angry, unless you count me being angry at myself.”

JJ pulled me into a hug. “None of that. You know we love you, and we want to help you.”

I sighed. “I know. I have to keep telling my brain that, but it doesn’t always work.”

He pressed a kiss to the side of my head before releasing me. “I know. Want to take your mind off it? I was inspired the other night at work, and I came up with some new choreo. I was discussing it with Alyssa before you came in, and we thought it might be good to try something a bit different.”

“But you do sexy dancing at work.”

“Exactly.” He smirked at me. “Killian appreciated my moves?—”

“No. I don’t want to hear it.”

“Babe, I’m just teasing you. It’ll be sexy but classy, and I guarantee it’ll push you out of your comfort zone. We don’t need to perform it in front of anyone. Just for us. An added bonus for the significant others in our lives.” The smirk was back, and I knew what he was referring to without him having to spell it out for me. Why did everyone think Finn and I were boyfriends?Okay, I knew why, but they were just seeing what they wanted to see. Finn and I knew the truth.

“Fine,” I said eventually. “Let’s do it.” The part of me that was well aware of the effect my best friend had on me and vice versa was undeniably excited at the thought of performing it for him someday.

Wait a minute. I was looking forward to performing a routine in front of someone?


That was…unexpected.

Spinning to meet my own gaze in the mirrored wall, I squared my shoulders, holding my head high. “I’m going to do my presentation the same way as everyone else,” I burst out, filled with a sudden rush of uncharacteristic confidence. I was certain I’d regret saying it later, but right now, I felt as if I could actually do it.

“Yeah, you are,” JJ agreed, squeezing my arm. Behind us, the door opened a crack, Alyssa poking her head around the edge, and he beckoned her into the studio. “Who’s ready to learn the hottest choreography LSU has ever seen?”

“This is ridiculous. I can’t believe you’re making me do this.”

Finn gave me a crooked smile, and did he even know I’d do anything if he smiled at me that way, despite my own anxieties?

“I’m not making you. I’m daring you.”

“Same thing.”

He stared at me expectantly until I gave in. Glaring at him, I spun on my heel and stalked up to the bar, heading straight for the empty space right in front of the bartender. If only Charlie had been working today…but then, Finn would never have daredme to do this if Charlie had been the one at the bar. “Two shots of sambuca, please.”

The bartender poured the shots quickly, and I focused on the flow of the liquid into the tiny glasses rather than my surroundings. Despite the fact I was here with Finn, my palms were clammy, and my heart rate was faster than usual. What had happened last time I was here at the student union…

“Here ya go.” The bartender slid the glasses across the bar, and I tapped my card to the reader to pay. I even managed to give the guy a brief smile.

When I returned to Finn, I handed him his glass, and he knocked it against mine. “Ready to complete your dare?”

In reply, I tipped the shot to my lips and downed it.

“Oh, fuck!” I spluttered, wiping at my mouth frantically, tears coming to my eyes as I coughed. “I didn’t know it tasted of aniseed!”