Page 57 of Dared

“Food,” I said. “Let’s clean up, and I’ll treat you to lunch.”

Over plates of peri-peri chicken and chips, Finn and I discussed the idea that had been building in my mind on our walk to Nando’s. I needed to be proactive. I was under no illusion that I was going to magically become a confident person, but what I could do was take steps to ensure I was as prepared as possible.

“You can do this. It’s a solid plan, and you know I’ll do everything I can to support you. You’re not a burden, and it makes me happy to help you out whenever and wherever I can,” Finn said.

He was so good to me. “Thank you. I…am going to try to believe that, I promise.”

Squeezing my hand, he dunked a chip into his sauce. “Like I said, I’ll keep telling you for as long as it takes to sink in.”

I smiled. “I know we talked about me apologising earlier, but I also wanted to say sorry for taking you away from your study session.”

He waved his chip in the air in a dismissive gesture, sauce flying off the end and splatting on the table. “Oops. Yeah, no, it’s all good. Bennett’s sending me the notes, and I’m ahead, anyway. I think I got quite a good deal out of it anyway, didn’t I?A gaming session followed by an amazing BJ, and then my best friend treated me to my favourite chicken. What’s not to love?”

I laughed, glad we were seated in a secluded booth so there was no one to overhear our conversation. “When you put it like that, I guess I did you a favour.”

“Yeah, you did.” His grin was huge. “Feel free to repeat it anytime.”

“Without the part where I have a minor breakdown and shout at you all. Speaking of, I need to apologise to Connor and Niall and let them know about the plan.” Pulling out my phone, I sent a message to our group chat.


I’m really sorry for flying off the handle this morning. I didn’t mean what I said and I appreciate you both looking out for me

I’ve come up with a plan with Finn to help with the presentation but I’d like your input. If you’re both around later we could go through it?


No apologies necessary. Yeah I’ll be back at the flat in about an hour for the rest of the day so I’m all yours

Not yours in that way if Finn reads this


He’s my friend


What Con said. Also not yours in that way

Placing my phone down, I folded my arms on the tabletop and rested my head on them with a groan.

“What’s wrong?”

“Look at the chat if you want. They’re insinuating things again.”

Finn chuckled under his breath as he read through the messages. “Fuck’s sake.” His hand stroked over my hair, and when I lifted my head from my arms, he shrugged, dipping another chip into his sauce. “Let them think what they want. We know the truth.”

He was right. On that note, I tapped out a brief reply to let them know I’d be back in a couple of hours and then muted the chat.

It was time to finalise our plan. This presentation was going to be the best one we’d ever done. I’d make sure of it.


“What’s this for?” Niall held up a rubber mallet.

I pointed towards the bag containing the tent pegs. “That’s for the tent pegs in that bag.”

“What are the pegs for?”