Another head shake. I sighed.
“I didn’t want to stop. I just—I was worried you—wewere getting carried away. Y’know, with, uh, you know.” Fuck me, this was a hard conversation to have.
“You really didn’t want to stop?” His voice came out muffled, but I heard the uncertainty in his tone.
“Really. I think you could tell I was into it.”
Slowly, he lowered his hands. He still wouldn’t look at me, but it was a start. “I was into it, too, so I don’t understand.”
Fuck. He sounded so confused and hurt. I was really going to have to spell it out, wasn’t I? “Leo. We were grinding on each other. Kissing is one thing, but we’ve never discussed taking it further, and I didn’t want to get carried away and have you regret it, you know?” My face was onfire. Believe me, this was not a discussion I’d ever envisioned.
I could practically see the wheels turning in his head. There was a moment where he paused, and then… Swiping his tongue across his lips, he met my gaze directly, his eyes widening, and the last thing I expected happened.
He lowered his legs, arched a brow, and said, “Are you sayingyouwouldn’t have regretted it?”
“Uh—well—uh—no. No, I wouldn’t.”
“Neither would I.” Lifting his hand, he cupped my cheek. I could feel the tremble in his fingers, but my brave fucking lion held my gaze and continued. “You know we’ve spoken about how I’ve never really wanted to kiss anyone before, except maybe the girl at school I told you about. But I like kissing you, and what we were doing just now…” His voice trailed off, and this time, he dropped his gaze.
I brought my hand up to curl around his, the one that was still cupping my cheek, still trembling against my skin. “What we were doing just now…?”
“I liked that, too. A lot. And I didn’t want to stop. I’ve never…I’ve, um, obviously touched myself, but it’s never felt likethat.”
“So.” I exhaled shakily. “Wanna carry on?”
“Yes, if you want to,” he whispered, hesitating for a second until I nodded, and then he pulled me down to him.
“Tell me if you want to stop anytime, and we can,” I murmured against his lips, and his hum of agreement was swallowed by my mouth. I kissed him slow and deep, losing myself in the slide of his mouth against mine. What exactly was going to happen next, I had no clue. I was completely out of my depth here, but as usual, being like this with Leo felt…right. Despite the fact I was theoretically straight. Probably. Maybe. It was something I could think about later or never. Who cared right now when what we were doing felt this good?
My hands went to his hips, and I pulled him on top of me. He gasped, and then suddenly, the kiss wasn’t slow and deep and soft. It was hard, and messy, and really fucking hot, with Leo rolling his hips down in a way that made my dick throb. Leo was just as hard against me, panting against my mouth as I dared to slide my hands lower onto the curve of his ass.
He ground down harder, a breathy moan falling from his lips, and bloody hell, I was gonna make a serious mess of my joggersbecause it was so. Fucking. Hot. I palmed his firm ass, breaking our kiss so I could get at his jaw, dragging my teeth over the smooth skin.
“Finn. I think—I think I—I’m close. Can you touch me? Please?” His voice was wrecked, and the small “please” at the end did me in. As if I could ever refuse him anything. I rolled us to the side, getting my hand down inside his tented joggers, and then I was touching another man’s dick for the first time in my life.
A dick that belonged to Leo.
Leo, who had his head thrown back, his eyes closed, and moans and pants falling from his mouth. Leo. Who wanted me to touch him. To be the first person to get to do this to him.
I stroked my hand down his length, hot and hard in my grip. When I stroked back up, I ran my thumb over the tip of his erection, smooth where his foreskin had retracted to expose the sensitive head, wet with precum. He gasped, then shuddered, and then his cock pulsed in my grip, stripes of cum shooting over my hand and the inside of his joggers. It was messy, and I was completely uncoordinated, but it was so fucking hot that all I needed to do was rub over my joggers with my free hand, and I was coming, too, my body curling forwards as my release hit me.
Our heavy breaths seemed abnormally loud in the ensuing silence. I wasn’t sure what to do. My hand was kind of covered in Leo’s cum—oh, and it was still inside his joggers, just casually resting against his spent cock. And there was the small matter of the uncomfortable wetness in my own joggers.
Totally worth it, though.
Leo broke the silence with a small huff of breathless laughter. “That was messier than I thought it would be.”
“Yeah. We should plan it better next time.” My eyes widened as I realised what I’d just implied. “Uh, if there’s a next time.”
I glanced over at him to find him smiling up at the ceiling, his eyes half-lidded and sleepy. “Oh, yeah. Next time.”
Okay. Good. We could discuss that later. First, we needed to get cleaned up. Withdrawing my hand from Leo’s joggers, accidentally smearing his release everywhere in the process, I grimaced.
“Shower? You can go first if you want. I’ll get us some clean clothes.”
He yawned as he nodded slowly. I had a sudden, overpowering urge to wrap him up and cuddle him until he fell asleep, which didn’t even surprise me at this point. I’d just had my hand on his dick. Of course I was going to want to take care of him afterwards. But I resisted. First, shower and fresh clothes, then food, then sleep.