Page 19 of Dared

I shook my head insistently. “No. Just…thinking.”

“Course you were. Anyway, all I wanted to say was, do you want to come…” He trailed off, his gaze flying to something behind me. I twisted in my seat to find Sophie’s older brother, Nate, standing there, a coffee cup in one hand and the other clasping the strap of his bag.

And Charlie had the nerve to accusemeof being distracted.

Hang on. This was Sophie’s brother, and Charlie and Sophie were interested in each other. I sat up in my seat, giving them my full attention, looking from Sophie to Charlie and then to Nate. Sophie was rolling her eyes at her brother, who was watching Charlie with an unreadable expression on his face. Charlie stared right back at him. He looked…flushed. I guess it was understandable. I’d never been subjected to the whole overprotective big brother routine and sadly hadn’t been able to subject Ed to it, either, but I was sure it would be just as awkward as it looked right now.

“What are you doing here?” Sophie said after the silence stretched uncomfortably. I glanced back over at Leo, who hadn’t even noticed the exchange, still engrossed with Millie’s computer, and something inside me twisted. I tore my gaze away.

“It’s the library. I’m using it for its intended purpose,” Nate replied, still watching Charlie.

“Nate.” Her tone was pleading, and it seemed to snap her brother out of it.

“Alright. I was just passing. I’ll leave you to it.” He stepped forwards, squeezing Sophie’s shoulder. “See you later, okay?”

She relaxed, giving him a smile. “Yeah.”

When he was gone, she sighed. “Older brothers. Right?”

“Right,” Daisy agreed. “It’s sweet that they want to look out for you, but they don’t always seem to understand that we’re adults now and we can be trusted to know our own minds.”

“I’m an older brother, and my younger brother definitely can’t be trusted to know his own mind,” I joked. “Just kidding. He’s alright.”

“Leo? Do you have any siblings?”

My head jerked around, noticing Millie giving Leo a soft smile. She was leaning into him, her lashes lowered…yeah, she was definitely interested in my friend.

“Um. Y-yeah. I mean, no. I’m an only child.” He gave her a tentative smile, and I found my mouth opening.

“Not true. You’re an honorary Carsley at this point. My family has pretty much adopted you.”

His gaze slid to mine, and his smile widened, reaching his eyes. I warmed all over. “That’s true,” he said.

“I’m an only child, too,” Millie confided, drawing Leo’s attention again. “Something else we have in common. Did you ever want siblings when you were growing up?”

“Charlie! What were you going to ask me earlier, before Sophie’s brother showed up?” My voice came out way too loud, and judging by the amusement in Charlie’s expression, he thought so, too.

“Oh, yeah! I was gonna say, do you want to come out on Saturday night? I was talking to JJ about Sanctuary because I’ve never been, and he said he’d get me and a few friends on the guest list if we wanted. What do you say? All of us?” His hand swept out, encompassing our table.

Daisy and Millie were instantly nodding, grinning at each other and Charlie. Leo’s gaze caught mine.

I dare you, I mouthed, and he eyed me for a moment longer before he gave a tiny nod.

Lion, I mouthed again, and he bit back a smile.

“Okay,” he said to Charlie.

“I’ll be there.” Obviously. Leo wouldn’t go without me. Or would he? It seemed as if he was beginning to feel more comfortable around the others. Which was what I wanted. I didn’t want him to need me as his security blanket or anything. Fuck knows he was more than capable. He just needed to see it for himself.

Sophie bit down on her lip. “I’d love to, but it’s my cousin’s birthday, and we’re travelling to Swindon for the weekend. I’m definitely up for it another time, though. It sounds great.”

“Yeah. We can sort something else out, don’t worry,” Charlie assured her, and based on the looks they were giving each other, I was pretty sure he meant that he’d sort out something a lot more private with her without the rest of us around.

Leo’s bright laugh interrupted my thoughts, and it was so unexpected I stared at him, open-mouthed, before I got myself back under control. Millie was saying something to him, and the two of them looked so cosy…

It was good.

This was what I wanted.