Page 43 of Beneath the Surface

I lifted my hand, cupping the soft skin of her cheek, and her breath hitched. Closing the final bit of distance between us, I gently brushed my lips across hers. She kissed me back just as softly, our lips connecting in a slow slide. I traced the fingertips of my free hand up and down her arm, wary of pushing too hard. This girl was fuckingeverything, and she deserved to be cherished.

“Micah,” she murmured against my lips. “More.”

Fuck. I deepened the kiss, taking it from a mostly innocent closed-mouth one to a hotter, open-mouthed one that made her moan into my mouth and my dick lengthen in my jeans. I slid my tongue against hers as I drew my hands down the sides of her body to her hips. Then I pulled her into my lap.

“Fuck, Ava,” I groaned as she straddled me, kissing me harder, winding her arms around my shoulders. Her silky hair fell down like a curtain on either side of us, and I swept it back from her shoulders, still unable to believe that this was actually happening. I gripped her hips, pulling her closer to me, and then she was sliding over my hard dick. The friction was so good, but it was torture at the same time, with my erection trapped in my jeans and our layers of clothes in the way.

“Feels so good,” Ava whispered as I began to kiss down her throat. She rolled her hips down, and then again.I bit back another groan.

Sliding my hands a little higher, under the hem of her blouse, I trailed my lips across the exposed part of her collarbone. “I want you so much.”

“Touch me.” Raking her nails down my back, she arched into me.

I slid my hands higher, up her stomach, and then over the swell of her breasts, covered by the silky material of her bra. Her nipples pebbled under my touch, and my dick hardened further,throbbing inside my jeans. When I shifted a little, Ava let out a tiny gasp, her eyes flying open as she stared down between us.

“That must be uncomfortable.” The very tip of her finger traced across my bulge. “Do you want me to help?”

Yes. I really, really did. “Mmm,” was all I managed to get out before her fingers were working at my jeans, opening them up and giving my poor trapped erection some space.

Her pupils blew wide as she stared down at the tent in my underwear, precum darkening the material at the head of my cock.

“Wet,” she murmured, circling the tip of my dick, making me groan and leak even more precum. “Guess what?”

“What?” I panted, my hands now inside her bra, palming her bare breasts.

“Ohhh…don’t stop.” She pushed into my hands, biting down on her lip.

“I won’t. What?” Fuck, my dick was throbbing.

Her mouth went to my ear. “I’m wet too. So. Fucking. Wet.”


“Come here,” I ground out, removing my hands from her gorgeous breasts just long enough to get her bra undone and yank her forward so her pussy was right on my dick. Our mouths met again, both of us lost in each other, wanting the same thing?—


We flew apart at the sound of the front door crashing open. My dad was back? He never normally came back this early.

“My dad,” I hissed, and Ava’s wide, panicked gaze shot to the door. Scrambling off the bed, she twisted around, frantically trying to do her bra back up, while I just as frantically tugged my jeans over my rapidly deflating cock. I shot off the bed, getting Ava’s bra fastened in record time, and getting the button on my jeans closed right before there was a loud rapping at my door.

Hide,I mouthed, jerking my head toward my large closet, and Ava nodded, darting over to it and managing to get inside right as my door began to open.

My heart felt as if it was going to pound out of my chest. Why had I told Ava to hide? I’d stupidly panicked. That was why. We were both adults, and I could’ve come up with some reason for her being here. My dad knew we were friends, after all. I was going to blame the fact that all the blood from my brain had been in my dick. How was I supposed to think rationally?

“Micah.” My dad’s brows were pulled together, his mouth set in a flat line, and my stomach churned with dread. When he said my name in that tone of voice, it meant something bad. When I was younger, after my mom had left us and before I’d started practicing martial arts, that tone had often been accompanied by a backhand, until he’d realized I was capable of fighting back. Not that I’d ever tried, but I think the fact I was almost as tall as him and probably stronger made him think twice.

Now, there was nothing physical. He used his words as his power over me. No more free ride through college. No roof over my head, no more food on the table…those were his usual threats if I ever stepped out of line—which was rare. I’d never been a troublemaker, but I couldn’t help disappointing him sometimes.

“Yes?” I did my best to sound casual and kept my body turned away from my wardrobe. The last thing I needed was for him to get suspicious.

Stepping inside my bedroom, he kept his gaze trained on me. “I’ve heard a concerning rumor, and I’d like to know if it’s true. Have you been spending time at the racetrack?”


“Don’t lie to me.” He slammed his hand down on my desk. “You’ve been consorting with drug dealers? I expected much better from you. Do you understand what you’ve done? It’s notonly your reputation on the line, but mine.” Not bothering to pause for breath or to allow me to respond, he continued. “I’m not an unreasonable man. Let this be my first and final warning. If I find out you’ve been at the track again, or hear you’ve been spending time with the wrong sort of people, I will not hesitate to take action. You can kiss your college ride goodbye, and you can look for somewhere else to live. Do I make myself clear?”

“Crystal,” I muttered.You asshole, I added in my head, inwardly seething. I wasn’t sure what I was most angry about—him trying to control my moves, or the fact that he’d indirectly insulted Cruz.