Page 75 of It Was Always You

"Of course."

"He didn't seem like he wanted to end it. He actually told me that I'm a natural." I bit my lip to keep the excitement from bursting out of me.

"Of course you are, Lexi. You're pretty much good at everything you try. School, band, your brother's best friend."

That sobered me right up. "Well, we both know that last one can’t be true. Because if I was an expert at that, he wouldn't have broken up with me so soon."

"Or maybe he just didn't want to risk the wrath of protective Mr. Stevens."

"Maybe." Or maybe it was just that our relationshiphad served its purpose and it was time for me to come back to reality and move on.

"So what are you guys doing from now on? Are you going to try to talk to Harrison again?"

I gave her a small shake of my head. "I don't think so."

"I'm sure you could get any guy you want now after dating Noah. If nothing else, guys can't be as scared of your dad after seeing that bad-boy Noah Taylor was able to date you."

I sighed. "I doubt that. My dad freaked out when he saw Noah and me alone in the basement last night."

I told her all about that conversation.

"So maybe it really is your dad's fault that Noah got scared off."

I thought about it. It was possible. I wouldn't put it past him.

"Did he say anything about his future dating plans?" Juliette asked.

I shook my head. "No. It seemed like he was going to say something to me before we had to finish our break-up, but Easton came in and ended that."

"Easton is interesting." She said it like she was talking about something else. I wanted to ask her what it was, because after my conversation with Easton last night about Juliette coming back, I couldn't help but wonder if something had happened between them that I didn't know about.

But before I could ask, she said, "So since we know you're not going to try to go after Harrison, and it doesn't look like Noah had another conquest in mind, how are you going to get him back?"

"Get him back? I don't think I ever really had him."

"From what you've told me, it kind of sounds like you did."

I let that thought sink in. Did I have Noah? Was that even possible? The memory of the way he looked at me before we departed. That hug. The gentle kiss on the cheek. Maybe I had him more than I thought.

"I can tell from the look on your face that it might be a possibility," Juliette interrupted my musings. "So, I'm going to share my expertise on the subject. You said when you started this thing that Noah told you guys wanted what they can't have. I think you should put that to the test. Make it so Noah can't help but notice you. Make him step up and be a man."

The thought of doing that gave me hives. "I'm not like you, Juliette. I don't do the whole make-him-jealous kind of thing. I could never pull off something like that."

"We may be different, but you have your own set of qualities that I could never even dream of having. Just use those. There's a basketball game tonight, right?"

"Yes..." I said slowly, clueless to what she might be getting at.

"Okay, so watch for Noah while you're there. I knowyou can't help the band shirt, but you can wear your favorite jeans. Maybe even put on some mascara. I don't know, just make sure he can't help but notice you." She got a devilish grin on her face. "And, you might think this is totally evil of me to suggest, but just talk to other guys. If I know Noah like I think I do, that one thing alone will make him want to mark his territory."

"Eww, not the image I need in my mind right now."

"I don't mean get him to pee on the fire hydrant." Juliette laughed. "You just watch, Lexi. Do those things that I've said, and you will have Noah Taylor not only begging you to be his girlfriend, but to be his everything. I think you have set this up perfectly for you that you may possibly get your second kiss this week."

Butterflies erupted in my stomach at her last words. "Okay, I'll do my best."

She beamed at me all the way from Paris. "Make sure to keep me updated on what happens tonight."

"I will."