Page 66 of It Was Always You

Once I'd shut the door, I jumped on my bed again and pulled my phone off my nightstand, hoping I'd look like I was calm and relaxed. "You can come in now."

Easton stepped inside and shut the door behind him. "Hey, I just got done talking to Dad."

"Yeah?" I asked.

Act cool. Don't look at the closet.

"What exactly were you and Noah doing when he got home? I thought you two were just pretending to date. This didn't somehow suddenly turn real, did it?"

My stomach went into my throat, but I tried to make a face that didn't show him anything weird was going on.

"Of course it's not real. I just fell asleep, and I guess Dad thought I was cuddling with Noah or something."

Easton leaned against the wall. "I knew it was probably something like that."

"Could you imagine me and Noah together for real?" I laughed awkwardly. "That's nuts. I'm sure he can barely stand to be around me most of the time."

"That's true. You guys do fight a lot."

"Yeah," I agreed, though we hadn't really beenfighting very much lately. Sure he teased me here and there, but it was starting to be more like flirting than anything else. Was that stupid of me to think he was flirting with me? Because it sure seemed like he was about to kiss me a few seconds ago. And I wanted to believe that I didn't have a reason to think it was just another practice.

"Good. That's what I told Dad. So your secret fake relationship is still safe with me."

Fake relationship.I was really starting to hate those two words. I wanted it to be real.


"Speaking of you and Noah spending more time together, have you noticed anything off with him this week?"

"What do you mean?" My voice came out higher pitched than usual. I sat up a little straighter, feeling uncomfortable talking about Noah when I knew he could hear everything from his hiding place in my closet.

Easton slid down the wall until he was seated on the floor. "I don't know. It feels like he's been avoiding me. I know I've been working a lot this week, and you two have your thing going on. But it just seems like something is off. And after what his dad told Dad today..." he trailed off.

"He's not into drugs, if that's what you’re wondering."

Easton looked up at me. "Okay, that's good. I didn't think so, but I just wanted to see if you knew anything."

I did know something. But I couldn't betray Noah's trust. If he wanted my brother to know, he'd tell him.

"So, are you grounded from Noah, too?" I asked.

He laughed. "He tried, but I learned through the years that sometimes you just have to stand up to Dad."

"Wish I was better at that. According to him, I'm going to end up just like Maddie if I spend any more time alone with Noah."

Which was so stupid. I knew how babies were made. And Noah and I were most definitely not going to do those things together.

I still didn't even know if he even liked me inthat way.

I glanced at my closet and my cheeks heated when I realized Noah had probably just heard what I'd said.Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Easton looked away and coughed. "Anyway," he said awkwardly, clearly not liking the thought of me and Noah being together. "Maybe I'll see if Noah wants to do a hot tub night tomorrow after the game. We haven't done one of those in a while."

"I'm sure he'd like that." Then an image of Noah without a shirt popped into my head. He really looked good without his shirt on. It probably would be a good idea for me to find something to do tomorrow night, so I wouldn't be tempted to watch them.

I shook my head.Way to be creepy, Lexi.

"Yeah, I'll shoot him a text."