"It was when you were accusing me of only liking mainstream girls. It seems to be a revolving theme when it comes to how you see me."
Because he'd never given me a reason to think otherwise. Yes, we'd had that moment in my bedroom last night. But now that I'd had more time to think about it, I realized that it was only because he'd been so overcome with emotion because of everything with his dad and the cold outside—he'd momentarily confused his feelings of gratefulness for actual desire for me.
We wouldn't even be having this conversation in the auditorium right now if he ever had actual feelings for me. He wouldn't have suggested we break up right after the almost-kiss. He must have realized that he was leading me on, so breaking up was the best way to put a stop to it.
I should probably be thanking him right now for saving me from my crazy notions of us actually working out in real life.
I decided to let the subject drop. This way, neither of us would be tempted to say something we'd regret later.
I sighed. "Well, do you think we should get back to the cafeteria?" Easton was ready to get his friend back.
"If you think that's best," he said.
If I thought that was best? What did he mean by that? This was our plan, wasn't it?
"Would it be so bad if I tell you that I'm having second thoughts about this whole thing?" he asked.
I looked into his eyes, not sure I'd heard him right. In them, I found a vulnerability I hadn't seen before.
"You are?" I asked, my voice coming out in a whisper.
He shook his head slightly and bit his lip. "I don't know, Lexi. This week..." He trailed off, not finishing his sentence.
I really wanted him to finish that sentence.
This week what? What was he going to say?
I waited. Iwouldhear him out. I would make him say what he was going to say. I needed to know.
But Noah just stared at me. He reached over and pushed some hair behind my ear, his warm touch causing a rush of heat to flush on my face and neck. Then his hand ran along my shoulder again, just like it had last night. And I was instantly transported back to my room. The look in his eyes. The unfiltered desire. I’d been sure he was going to kiss me, until he turned around and suggested we break up today.
But could it have actually been real?
He swallowed, his Adam's apple shifting. He was nervous...
He sighed, looked down, and then looked back at me,his eyes seeming to search my soul. "There's this one last thing I want to do."
But before I could find out what that one last thing was, the door creaked open behind us and Easton poked his head inside.
Of course. My brother or my dad were always there to make sure I never even had a chance at romance.
"Hey, are you two done breaking up yet? I wanted to talk to you before Raven did."
Irritation flashed on Noah's face before he blinked it away and turned to my brother.
"Yeah, we were just finishing up," Noah called. Then he stood and offered his hand to help me up as well. It was probably the last time I'd ever be this close to Noah Taylor. "Are you ready to face everyone then?" Noah asked.
"You guys go ahead first. It’ll probably be more believable if we don't walk in together."
He rubbed his thumb across the back of my knuckles. "You're probably right." Then he let go and stuffed his fingers in his pockets. "Well, it's been a fun week. I'm sure we'll still see each other around."
Why did he have to make it sound like we were saying goodbye?
Probably because it really did feel like a goodbye. Goodbye to all my hopes and dreams ever coming truewhere we were concerned. After today, he'd probably forget all about this week.
"I'll see you around. Good luck with your Mom today. I really am happy you get to go home."
He nodded. "Thanks, Lexi. I couldn't have made it through this week without you."