“Wouldn’t you be?”
“Absolutely, but as a simple spectator, I can’t wait.”
“And this is why I won’t talk to you about my sex life,” I huffed.
“Eva,” she tsked. “I know you were raised around humans and these sort of things are more difficult for you, but you need to remember, it’s all just energy. As long as the energy is positive for all involved, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”
I crossed my arms. “I don’t seeyoudating anyone.”
She wrinkled her nose. “I’m a princess.Datingfor me means finding my lifelong mate and consort. You should count yourself lucky to have more than one guy drooling after you.”
Her words melted my irritation. “So you’veneverdated?”
She crossed her arms, mirroring me, her gazedarting away. “I’ve had a few kisses, unbeknownst to my father, but it can be nothing more.”
“Warrick will be so disappointed.”
Her eyes drifted back to me.
I shook my head. “Never mind. So can you help me find information on Rian?”
“Only if you promise to not send your goblin along with me. Just at least listen to what Crispin has planned.”
The fact that I wanted to argue even though it had been my idea to begin with was absolutely ridiculous, but still, I wanted to argue. I knew if I was to discover the secrets to realm jumping, I had to embrace every aspect of my magic, but faced with the guys waiting for me on the other side of the door, I just couldn’t quite move my feet.
Grinning mischievously, Elena helped me out by opening the door and shoving me back inside. “It will take me time to find the information you want. So don’t rush on my account.” She shut the door before I could go after her.
I turned to face the boys, realizing they had been busy. Crispin now had Gabriel and Sebastian both standing near his work table with little medical monitors stuck all over them. Sebastian had removed his jacket and unbuttoned his crisp white shirt, and Gabriel had removed his shirt entirely. They looked like something out of an erotic sci-fi romance.
Gods save us all.
Crispinsteepled his fingers like an evil genius, turning toward me. “I have come up with an experiment, dear Eva. And you’re probably not going to like it.”
I stoodin front of the guys, one hand on Gabriel’s chest, and one hand on Sebastian’s. Crispin checked his little monitor for any signs of life, then scribbled something in his leather bound journal. He had been monitoring things for a while, and I wasn’t sure what he was getting out of all of this.
Even though nothing was happening, Gabriel’s steady gaze made me blush. And Sebastian… There was something different in his expression. No teasing. No trying to make me angry for a reaction. He was justwaiting, his dark eyes hiding far too many secrets.
“Alright,” Crispin said, paying more attention to his journal and monitor than any of us. “Try summoning your magic.”
I closed my eyes. I was the one who wanted to explore this. I knew my magic wasn’t progressing fast enough. I had no desire for power—I had already seen the trouble it could cause—but I needed to find my mother.
I noticed that Gabriel felt a few degrees warmer than Sebastian, which I would have assumed would have been the other way around, considering whereSebastian was from. And Sebastian’s chest was smooth, where Gabriel had a smattering of course hair. “Nothing is happening.”
“You’re not even trying,” Sebastian’s voice hummed against my palm. “Everyone came here foryou, Eva. Do not waste our time.”
I would have glared if my eyes were open. “Fine,” I huffed.
Not knowing what else to do, I thought of the previous night in Isadora’s shop. Of Sebastian’s hands gripping me. His tongue expertly stroking mine…
Magic tickled down my arms and into my core, my body suddenly tight with need. My palms warmed, and I felt an invisible tug toward each of the men before me, like there was a thread binding us together. But where had it come from? When had our fates become so intertwined?
I opened my eyes, trying to pull my hands away, but Sebastian gripped my palm against his chest. “You have to stop fighting it, Eva.”
My other hand froze inches away from Gabriel’s chest. “I’m not fighting anything.”
Gabriel gently took my hand and placed it back against his skin. “Yes, you are.”
I glared at both of them, not sure what to say.