Page 17 of White Little Lies

Completely out of my depth, I looked over at Sebastian.

Fire flashed in his dark eyes, making Gladiola gasp. “I suppose you expectmeto somehow fix this for you?”

I didn’t know what to say. It was ridiculous asking a devil for help. But… he’d helped me before.

“It is a waste of time.”

I glared at him. “It’s not a waste of time. She coulddie.”

“You do not even know her.”

I stood, facing him. “That’s not any reason to let her die.”

We stood staring at each other, at an impasse.

I crossed my arms, maintaining my glare.

“Don’t even try threatening me with your silly timelines again. I know you won’t really delay in anything. Not after all you’ve learned.”

He was being vague in front of Gladiola, but he had a point. Now that I knew what my mom had gone through, and why she was being chased, I was intent on finding out who was chasing her. I was going to find her, and fix the mess she had inadvertently made of my life. But that left me with nothing to hold over Sebastian’s head.

“Please don’t let her die.”

He narrowed his eyes at me. “You’re begging me now? I would have thought you too prideful.”

Sensing an opening, I got down on my knees and grabbed one of his hands before he could pull it away. “Please Sebastian, please don’t let the nymph die?” I gave him my best puppy dog eyes.

“You’re being ridiculous.”

I held tight to his hand, doing my best impression of a puppy dog whimper.

“Stop that.”

I whimpered louder, edging closer, still gripping his hand.

“You are absolutely infuriating.”

I wanted to say,Right back at ya, but I wasn’t about to let my groveling be in vain, so instead I whimpered even louder.

“Fine,” he sighed, rolling his eyes skyward. “But you’re coming with me.”

“Coming where?”

“A bargain will be needed. AndIwon’t be the one paying for it.”

I stood, finally releasing his hand. “Deal. Let’s go.”

Gladiola stood a few paces back, dumbfounded. “I’m not even sure what I just witnessed.”

“The question,” Sebastian said as he walked past her toward the stairs, “is not how she stands being around me. But howIstand being aroundher.”

“You’ll stay with Aaliyah, right?” I asked as I moved to follow Sebastian. “I don’t want to leave her alone.”

“But I—” Gladiola stammered.

“Please don’t make me whimper like a dog again, kay thanks, bye!” I practically jogged after Sebastian before Gladiola could argue, though I heard her murmuring curses under her breath as I rushed down the stairs.

I caught up to Sebastian at the door, where he simply gave me a final glare, then walked outside.