Page 27 of White Little Lies

“First of all,” I said to Gabriel as I pointed toward a freshly open table, “when one has a werewolf roommate, one must always order extra pastries.” I sat down, brushing aside a few crumbs as Gabriel took the chair right next to mine instead of across from me. “Second, I feel like our time in Emerald Heights is going to be incredibly awkward, and I would like sugar to stuff into my mouth at any opportune moments.”

Gabriel watched a couple half-elves hurrying past us toward another open table, their coffees already in hand. He turned his serious eyes back to me. “If Sebastian is actually going to convince the elf king to allow me into his realm, he has motivations of his own. He does nothing to simply accommodate.”

“Obviously, but you do have a right to be there.” I had a thought. “And you might even be able to help me out with something.”

His brow furrowed.

“Oh don’t look so worried.” I waved him off. Glancing around, I leaned forward and lowered my voice. “My old boss is trying to get some information on my mom, but she has a crush on one of the elves. If you get a free pass into Emerald Heights, you might be able to ask around a bit. Mylessonstake hours. There should be time.”

“Cannot Elena do so?”

I started to shrug, then saw the barista holding up our coffee carrier and bag of pastries. Gabriel beat me to it, taking both in hand. Together we walked toward the door, which he opened with one elbow, holding it for me until I was outside. I took the pastry bag from him because I was a big girl. I could carry my own pastries.

I finished my shrug as we started walking. “To answer your question about Elena, I’m going to ask her too. But she’s young, and my boss thinks this elf is old school nobility. I don’t think Elena spends much time chatting up his type.”

He lifted a brow as we stopped at the crosswalk. “And I do?”

I cringed. “Good point. Sometimes I forget you haven’t been around as long as Mistral.” The light changed, and I glanced at him as we started walking. “How did you come to be his…” I waved one hand in the air, searching for the right word.

“Vassal,” he finished for me. “I have been as such since I was a teenager. Our mothers were close friends, both having traveled from our home realm, but my mother passed away well before Mistral’s.”

We hit the sidewalk on the other side, and turned in the direction of my apartment. “Can I ask what happened?”

For a moment, I thought he might not answer, then he said, “The realm was unstable, even when Queen Maeve was alive. Wild goblin magic was never meant to be caged. My mother was caught in an incident not unlike the one you saved us from, only water was involved. She drowned.”

I gripped his arm, stopping him from walking so he looked at me. “I’m sorry. I know what it’s like to lose a parent.”

Pulling me away from the foot traffic, he lifted my hand and kissed my knuckles, sending a delightful shiver right between my legs. “It was a long time ago, there is nothing to be sorry about.”

He stared into my eyes long enough to make me blush, then kept my hand in his as we continued walking. “I have been by Mistral’s side ever since,” he finished.

“And now you’ve been by mine. Leaving him vulnerable.”

His fingers flexed around mine. “He asked me to come. The older goblins are different. They have seen much in their long lives, and they do not tend to get attached as easily as some of us.” He glanced at me. “But it’s not just about your magic and what you represent to him. He has grown quite…fondof you.”

There was that damn blush again. “Well I’m quite fond of him.” I darted my eyes his way. “And that really doesn’t bother you?”

Gabriel kept his eyes on our surroundings as we neared my apartment. “It does not. His life has been one of great burden. I enjoy seeing how he is around you.”

We reached the exterior stairs leading up to my humble abode. I looked around for any neighbors, but we were alone, and inside Braxton would probably be there. I leaned close, well aware of Ringo in my satchel, but he had heard plenty already. “I’m nervous to be around both of you at the same time.”

“You’re embarrassed.” There was no accusation in his tone, just a simple statement.

I shrugged, crinkling the pastry bag. “I guess. It’s just never a situation I thought I’d end up in.”

“Is it a situation youwantto be in?”

Blushing more furiously than ever, I nodded.

“And what of Sebastian?”

I looked down at my boots. I had no vow of truth with Gabriel, but as usual, I found myself not wanting to lie to him. “He’s a pain in the ass, but I can’t deny that my magic is drawn to him.”

“Or maybeyou’redrawn to him?”

I forced myself to meet his eyes, but I was unsure of what to say. Mostly because I didn’t know the truth myself.

He leaned forward, bringing himself down closer to my height. “Your secrets are yours to keep, Eva. The only person you owe your honesty to, is yourself.”