I glanced around the room, feeling slightly uncomfortable that Gabriel was seeing it in all of its not so impressive splendor. “No, I’m fine. And I was going to come to the Bogs tomorrow. Is that why you came here?”

He didn’t answer right away, giving me the usual surly look.

“Earth to Gabriel. I’m tired. Why are you here?” Maybe I was being needlessly cranky, but it had been a long night.

“I’m here because there’s something you should know. Mistral did not realize it until after you left.”

I stared at him, willing my tired brain to function properly.

“Do you feel different after your night with him?”

My jaw fell open, then I shut it with a click. “That’s none of your business.”

He took my hand, surprising me. “It’s important, Eva.”

I tensed at his touch, but didn’t pull away. There was no use keeping secrets. As soon as I saw Mistral, I would have to tell him the truth. “Yeah,differentis one way of putting it.”

“Mistral was affected as well.”

My eyes flew wide and I pulled my hand away, leaving it dangling in the air. “What?”

He gave me a pleading look. “He did not realize it would be so. He will speak the truth of that to you himself.”

“Why isn’t he here speaking it now?”

His brow furrowed further, but he didn’t answer.


“That is something he will have to share with you himself, if he so chooses.”

“Fine, then what is it you’re actually here to tell me?”

He glanced at the open doorway.

“It’s only Braxton here. I trust him more than anyone.”

His shoulders slumped, and he reluctantly brought his gaze back to mine. “You awakened dormant magic in Mistral, just as you awakened the same within yourself.”

Sebastian hadn’t mentioned Mistral gaining power, but maybe he didn’t know. “That can’t be right. My magic isn’t strong enough to affect an ancient goblin prince.”

“You may believe what you wish, Eva, but it is true. I have come here to urge you to keep this information to yourself. If others should learn of this—”

My mouth went dry. “No, it’s just a fluke. Sebastian said that it was because I had never been with someone with magic similar to mine. Like calls to like.” I shook my head. “Or I guess he said it could be because Mistral is from a different realm, and I’m part celestial.”

“You told the devil?” Suddenly he was on his feet.

I gripped his hand, confused. “Calm down. Maybe Sebastian will use that information against me, but he sure as hell isn’t going to tell anyone else. He’s already having enough trouble keeping me around to fulfill our contract.”

His hand relaxed in mine, and he slowly knelt back down. “Speak of this to no one else, Eva. It could be extremely dangerous for you.”

Though my heart was pounding with sudden worry, I weakly waved off his concern. “Don’t act like you care.”

He gritted his teeth. “Mistral would be upset if anything happened to you.”

“Sure.” I started to pull my hand away from his, ready to sulk, but something else drew my eye.

Where our skin touched . ..