Finally free of his bindings, Braxton leaned close to me. “Okay, now that we’re relatively alone, what the hell was that? How did you escape those two, then how did you suddenly appear right in front of me?”

I blinked at him. “I—” Had I really moved that quickly? “I have no idea.”

Sebastian put his hand on my shoulder again. “Let’s get you home.”

I was starting to feel numb and far away enough that I was probably going into mild shock. I didn’t know how to answer Braxton‘s question, but it probably wasn’t the most important question of the night. “Yeah, home. Good idea.”

My bed sounded nice, though I wasn’t really sure I’d ever feel safe there again. But morning would come soon enough, and I hadn’t forgotten my other bargain. I had agreed to report Sebastian’s movements to Mistral. And I had agreed to speak only the truth.

Only, that bargain was starting to seem a little more complicated than before.


Ringo was gonewhen we got back to the apartment, which meant I would definitely need to report to Mistral in the morning. Although, he hadn’t really pushed me to reveal much of Sebastian’s plan. Maybe he already knew it, and just wanted to ensure he would stay in the game.

Either way, a trip to the Bogs was in my near future. And it wasn’t just to give Mistral information. I wanted to ask his opinion on the elf king before my pending meeting with him. And, well, I was finding the Bogs a little more appealing than before.

I turned to find Sebastian had followed me into my room. I was going to get changed, then I was going to talk things over with Braxton. I looked the devil up and down. There wasn’t a scratch on him, and his suit was still perfectly pressed. “You know, you’re supposed to ask permission before entering a girl’s room, right?”

He stepped closer and I instinctively stepped back.

One corner of his mouth curled. “Stay still, Eva.”

Against my better judgment, I stayed still as he closed the space between us. He took my jaw in his hands, then leaned down and kissed me.

I stiffened as my magic flared between us. Not his magic.Mymagic. Like nothing I had ever experienced, even with Mistral.

Wanting more, I deepened the kiss, and he obliged. His hands moved down to my waist, pulling me against him.

The magic built, thrumming in my skull to the point where I couldn’t think, could barely breathe, and still, I didn’t want to let it go.

I molded my body against his, feeling his dark magic creep across my skin. His hands moved lower, gripping my ass.

My body reacted in kind, heat pounding in my core. I wanted to touch his bare skin. I needed to—

Holy hells, what was I thinking?

I broke the kiss, staggering back a gasp. I lifted a hand to my mouth, glaring at him. “What the hell was that?” I panted.

Smiling—and perfectly calm, damn him—he tilted his head. “It’s as I thought. Like calls to like, Eva.”

“Stop talking in riddles and tell me what’s going on.”

“Did you sleep with Mistral?”

I took a reflexive step back, bumping my legs against the bed. “That’s none of your business.”

His eyes darkened. “I’m not a jealous lover, Eva. Would you like me to help you understand, or not?”

My cheeks burned, but I forced myself to meet his gaze steadily. “Yes.”

“Yes you would like me to help you understand? Or yes you slept with him?”


He stepped close again, lifting one hand toward me.

I flinched, but not because I was afraid of him. I was afraid of whatever crazy magic was going on inside me. I knew it was mine, it felt the same as always, only… amplified.