He shook his head. “I don’t know. At least, not exactly. And honestly, the aid I offered her was not altruistic. I had hoped she could help me return home, but she wouldn’t be tricked into a bargain. And she was gone before I could get any information out of her.”
“Sounds about right,” I muttered.
I looked down at my lap. My mother was having night runners killed just to protect herself. Shehadto know I might get caught up in it, and she didn’t order Lucas to avoid any female half-celestials of a certain age.Had she not even thought of me at all until she learned I had almost been killed?
“The celestial woman I met tonight said I had beenhiddenfrom my mother. Do you know what that might mean?”
His brows knit together. “Truly, I wish I did.”
I hung my head. I was exhausted, and I had a lot to think about. I knew an item like the Realm Breaker couldn’t actually exist, but then, what else could everyone be after? Maybe they all knew something I didn’t. Maybe they had proof of its existence.
Mistral stood, then offered me his hand. “You should rest. You will stay here until we figure out what to do about the vampires.”
I took his hand, feeling a flare of magic between us as he pulled me to my feet. He kept hold of my hand and met my eyes long enough that my cheeks started to burn. That strange tingling magic built between us the longer our bare skin touched.
“Do you do that on purpose?” I asked, my throat tight.
“I thought perhaps it was you.” He moved his hands beneath the wide sleeves of my coat, pressing more of our skin together.
A warm ball of magic formed in my chest. “It’s not me.” Or was it? Part of itdidfeel like me. Like my magic was answering to his.
Mistral looked toward our feet, then back at myface, his eyes glittering with amusement. “It seems your little friend fears seeing something he should not.”
I stole a glance at the door to find it slightly ajar. My mouth went dry. “And what do you think he’s worried about seeing?” I asked softly.
He removed his hands from my arms, then gripped my waist to pull me toward him. Our lips met, sending electric currents of magic and desire spiking through me.
He deepened the kiss, leading me to lean my butt against the desk. My blood thundered in my veins, my body reacting to him like it had always known him. And the small sliver of magic within me knew him too.
I pulled away with a gasp, then looked up into his eyes. “Do you want the same thing from me?”
His brow furrowed.
“Do you hope my celestial blood can help you go home? Or do you just hope I can lead you to the Realm Breaker?”
His mind seemed to be just as addled as mine. It took him a moment to answer, “I am forced to admit the thought has crossed my mind. But I must also point out that there are things you want from me as well.”
He was right. I wanted information, and protection, but that didn’t mean I didn’t wanthimtoo.
I lowered my eyes to the top buttons of his shirt, then reached out and plucked one open. “Thank you for sending Gladiola to find me tonight.I might currently be trapped in the Silver Quarter if you hadn’t.”
He leaned his body against mine, cradling my back with his arms. “The Silver Quarter doesn’t have enough trees. And trust me, the food is utter rubbish. You’re better off here.”
He reclaimed my mouth, his hands going to my hips to pull me more firmly against him. He kissed me passionately, and his magic tingled across my skin, raising every hair on my body before searching lower, making my body go tight with need.
I broke the kiss, breathing heavily as I stared into his eyes. “Are you sure you’re not intentionally using your magic on me?”
His fingers cupped my cheeks, then pushed back through my hair, pulling me closer. “It is not just my magic, dear Eva.”
I shook my head, wanting another kiss, but wanting information even more. “It’s never been like this before. Not with anyone else.”
He lifted a brow. “Have you ever been with anyone with strong magic?”
“Come to think of it, no.”
His lips found mine again, and this time I melted against him, allowing my hands to press up the muscled expanse of his back. His shirt was impossibly soft, but I needed it gone. I needed to feel his bare skin.
His hands gripped my lower back as I created enough space between us for me to unbutton his shirt.Once I reached the end, I smoothed my hands up his bare chest, pulling the shirt off his shoulders. Feeling his skin and breathing his scent made more magic tingle across me, quickening my pulse.