We sit on the bed and despite my unease about why Mack is here, how he’s allowed to stay here with me, and what’s going to happen in the coming days, my stomach is almost always growling at me to eat something. So I eat.
We clear the plates, drain our juices, and once Mack has moved the tray to the side table, he pulls me into his arms and kisses the top of my head.
“I was thinking we need to talk about names,” he says.
“What about names?” I ask, yawning, and edging closer to having a food coma from how fast we just inhaled enough breakfast to feed a family of four.
“For Thumper.”
Now doesn’t feel like the time to be talking about baby names. I’m not sure what it feels like the time for, but it isn’t that. "Mack…”
“How about Sky for your mom?”
My eyes prickle and I lift my head to look at him. “You’re trying to distract me.”
He kisses me. “I’m trying to make you smile. Is it not working?”
“It always works.”
His smile takes my breath away. “Then I am doing something very, very right.”
“Mack. We have to talk.” I wish I could just set everything aside the way he seems determined to. But we’re in enemyterritory and Franklin could burst in and kill Mack at any moment. Not that Mack seems the least bit concerned.
“No bad thoughts today. Just good thoughts and a name for Thumper, unless it’s grown on you, in which case I guess it could work.”
I laugh, despite myself. “We are not calling this baby Thumper Winters.”
His eyes crease with mirth. “There it is,” he murmurs.
“There what is?” I ask as his head lowers.
“The most beautiful sight in the world.” His lips touch mine.
“And that is?”
He kisses me again. “My mate happy.”
When he starts kissing his way down my body, my eyes widen. “Mack?”
“Hmm?” He kisses my collar bone.
“You are not doing what I think you are, are you?” I swallow a moan as he presses a kiss on my right breast through the thin fabric of my blouse.
“And what do you think I’m doing?”
There’s a smile in his voice as he keeps angling down.
“Inappropriate things.”
He grins up at me. “Like what?”
I’m blushing. “Kissing me in… inappropriate places.”
He laughs as he bends his head. “Well, I don’t think those places are inappropriate at all.”
My blush intensifies and I’m breathless, but not trying nearly as hard as I should to stop him when he eases my skirt up. “Mack…”
He kisses my right inner thigh. “Is this not the right inappropriate place?”