“This is one big mess, huh?” he says, wryly.
I snort laugh. “Tell me about it.”
But it feels like a more manageable mess now I have Mack again.
I desperately need the bathroom, but I look at Mack and he looks at me, and I’m positive that I’m not the only one struggling to let him go.
His fingers are gentle as he caresses my right cheek and his eyes are so soft, I can’t believe this man loves me as much as he does.
“I can’t believe I found you,” he whispers.
I hug him again, relieved he’s here, but scared about what it means. “I’m so glad you did.”
Not a minute into our hug, I wince, pulling away.
Mack takes one look into my face. “Thumper?”
“Yeah.” I rub my side, wincing.
He grins as he picks me up. “Come on, love. Thumper is determined to be a soccer player with all that kicking. Let’s get you to the bathroom and I can focus on taking care of you, including wiping that blood off your face.”
Ididn’t intend to fall asleep.
Nevertheless, I peel my eyes open, well-rested from sleep. As the sun spills across the room, I watch my beautiful mate sleeping in my arms.
I love that I’m with her again, that she’s safe and fell asleep with a smile on her face after I helped her to the bathroom.
After she fell asleep, I wiped the blood from her face and crawled into bed beside her, meaning only to hold her for a few minutes.
But I fell asleep.
Now this day has started, so has the countdown.
I glance at the far side of the bed when a scent I’ve been trying my best to ignore creeps up on me again.
Shane’s scent.
I’m furious again.
Not at Aerin, but at Shane, who seemed content to take advantage of Aerin.
And at Franklin.
He was waiting for me when I made the drive from our rental and down a wide, open pathway, stopping in front of a farmhouse that looked brand new.
Someone had been near the trees at the front of the property, watching. And it had cemented in my mind that they knew I would come—knew we would probably try to attack—and were waiting for us.
There was going to be no other way to get Aerin back than this.
That she’s alive is the best news I could have hoped for. That the omegas are also alive and well, including Clary’s mate, Leah, is also great news.
It’s what comes next that’s going to be difficult.
It won’t have taken my pack long to realize that I wasn’t just out getting some air before bed. Clary would have noticed I didn’t go back into the house, given he’s sleeping on the couch.