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He smiles at me then. “Rest. I’ll get us some food and come right back.”

As he walks over to the door, I try not to look at the balcony and my potential escape route.

But Shane must have eyes on the back of his head or be a mind reader to stop. He twists to face me at the door. “I wouldn’t try to run if I were you. The only reason you’re alive is because I want you to be. Franklin views you as bait. Nothing more. If anyone else finds you wandering around out there, they will kill first and ask questions later. This is the safest place you can be.”

He walks out, closing the door after him.

I wait two minutes, then I rush over to the door, so out of breath that’s its hilarious for the few steps I took. But that’s nothing new.

Pressing my ear to the door, I listen through the wood, wanting to be sure this isn’t a trick, and he has actually left.

When I can no longer hear him, I walk over to the balcony. The door slides smoothly open under my touch, and it’s clear that whoever built this home knows what they’re doing.

But the moment I take one step out onto the balcony, I count at least four shifters’ eyes swing my way.

Even after I’ve retreated back inside and closed the door shut, I still feel their eyes on me.



Istare across the dining table, struggling to piece together my dad's words.

“Why would they want me?” I ask. When he opens his mouth, I shake my head. “Yes, you’ve explained about the Raleighs. We know they’re back, but why would they take Aerin when they want me? Why not just grab me?”

Bennett’s chair squeaks as he reclines. “What exactly do you think would have happened if they tried to grab you?”

I ponder Bennett’s question. The answer is easy. “I’d fight them.”

Winter Lake is home, and I have no interest in being anywhere else. I’d fight for my pack and I’d fight to stay here. There’s no future where I see myself walking out on my pack. Not after my dad walked out on me.

“So it’s another trap, then?” Helena asks, frowning.

The dining room is full and I look around, wanting to see what everyone else thinks. They look as puzzled and thoughtful as I feel.

“Could be,” Colton agrees. “They have Aerin and they know you’d do anything to get her back.”

The sun is rising and none of us has touched the coffee and tea Adela was determined to make before she hurried back to sit with Zoe and Chris, who still hasn’t woken.

But just knowing Chris is healing now, slowly, but heishealing, is one less thing to worry about.

Clary, who hasn’t hidden his frustrations that we still haven’t left Winter Lake, is adding to my worry. We don’t know where the Raleighs are. We have an idea, though. Bennett thinks they might have rebuilt on the ruins of the old house in Michigan, but I’m not ready to drive hundreds of thousands of miles on a vague idea.

At least not yet.

Desperation might soon force all our hands.

Clary hasn’t stopped bouncing from one foot to the other, and I worry he’ll take off, and get himself killed speeding to Michigan. That’s if he’s lucky. If he’s not lucky and there is trouble there, then he could run right into a trap and they would kill first and ask questions later.

His mate, Leah, would be devastated if we were to save her and she learned her mate, who hasn’t stopped looking for her since someone took her, died rushing in to save her.

“But it would still have made more sense to grab me instead of Aerin,” I say.

“You’d fight back, and if they came in force, you’d lose, and you’d die.” My dad chuckles. “You get that fighting spirit from me. Or they’d drag you back, and you’d be so furious that they would get no compromise or agreement from you.”

“But that still doesn’t make sense. Why would they think I’d agree to any of their demands after they took Aerin?” I ask.

My dad seems to think the Raleighs want me to lead them, but surely, if they’ve rebuilt and reformed, they would want to lead themselves.