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He was out. He got the omegas out. Why did he go back?



It’s a special kind of torture to see my mate and want to run toward her, but instead, spin around and to do something that might kill me.

Because I wasn’t being entirely honest with Aerin.

I walked into the Raleigh farmhouse to save her. That was always my main goal. Secondly, to rescue the kidnapped omegas. I always knew I would get them out some way, somehow.

But there was something else I wanted to do, something that was as important as the rest.

Ensure the Raleighs never hurt any omega the way they hurt Aerin.

And to do that, I can’t go with her.

Not yet.

Head down and with the wind tunneling through my fur, I sprint back toward the farmhouse as the last of the cars parked near the forest peel away.

The universe has been watching over me. That’s what I’d thought when I’d led the omegas—and Lisa—through the forest and away from the farmhouse.

I wasn’t sure how I was going to get fourteen women shivering in nightwear to safety in the middle of the night, but if there was a way, I would find it.

I’d burst out onto the road after growling at them to stay back, in case I was leading them into a trap. My packmates had been there, waiting as if they’d known my plan all along.

In the distance, lights flicker on, and I put on a burst of speed, sensing I have limited time to get into the house, back into my room, and pretend I have no clue what the hell is going on.

That’s if Franklin hasn’t already realized what I’ve done.

There’s no sign anyone has been in my room as I do a quick shift and throw myself back over my balcony railing and inside.

Just mussed sheets from Lisa getting into my bed.

The bed smells like her and I’m not eager to get into it, but if that’s what it’s going to take to fool Franklin, then so be it.

I flick off the light and get back under the sheets, trying to ignore Lisa’s scent as I tell myself I just need to get through tonight and I can go back home to Winter Lake with Aerin.

I listen to five minutes of doors slamming open in the hallway.

What is going on out there?

When my door swings open, letting in a blast of chill air, I sit up, blinking blearily.

“What is it?”

Franklin flicks on the light, briefly blinding me. “You’re needed.”

Of course I am.

The omegas are gone, and he doesn’t know who took them.

I feign ignorance as I get out of bed. Lisa is still wearing my T-shirt and I have no clue what I did with my pants, but I walk over to the dresser like I’ll find my clothes over there. “What happened?”

“Nothing. Yet.” He backs out of the room, holding the door open. “Don’t bother with clothes. We’re all going to shift soon.”
