“I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
There’s silence on the other end of the phone. “So help me, if you’re having second thoughts I’m going to come over there and fuck them out of you.”
I can’t help but giggle. I do that a lot these days because Gabe makes me happy. “I would actually like to see that… but you can’t. Everyone is going to be here in ten minutes.”
He grunts unhappily into the phone. “Later then. After everyone is gone, you’re all mine.”
“Forever,” I murmur.
He mimics me, and I hear the wistful sound in his voice. “Forever.”
“Are you almost home?”
I hear the car door slam. “I’m walking in now. I’m sorry about the emergency call.”
“Hey, as long as you always come home to me, that’s all that matters, Gabe. Anything else, we can work out.”
“Oh, honey, I’m going to love coming home to you… coming inside you, coming—”
I giggle again, hang up the phone, and then meet him in the living room, posed and ready. I tried to look my best, and I’m hopeful he notices the effort, but I shouldn’t have any doubts. As soon as he walks in, his mouth drops. “Fuck, you’re beautiful!”
He just stands there, open-mouthed, staring at me.
I start to fidget. “Gabe… say something.”
He stomps toward me, and I have to hold my hand up to stop him. “No way. I’ve been working on this look all day. Afterward, you can do whatever you want to me, but until then, hands off.”
He makes a big deal of winking at me. “I’m going to remember you said that. Word for word, honey. I can do whatever I want to you.”
The doorbell rings, and I push him toward the hallway. “Go get your suit on. I’ll answer the door.”
He kisses me soundly, and it’s so good that I don’t even get worried about my mussed lipstick. I answer the door, and our whole family and my friend Bethany is on the porch. I step back. “Come in, come in.”
They all gasp when they see me, and each one hugs me as they walk in.
King holds me tight. “You look beautiful, sweetie.”
Each of them tell me they think I look beautiful, and I can’t wait for Gabe to get out here so we can let them all in on our secret. They’re going to be so surprised. I can’t believe we’ve been able to keep this from them.
“All right, everyone! We’re all set up outside. As soon as Gabe gets out here, we will go!”
“Where do we put the gifts?” Cat asks.
I throw my hands together. “Gifts? You shouldn’t have brought gifts.”
“It’s an engagement party! Of course, we had to bring you gifts.”
I smile even though it’s killing me to keep the secret.
Everyone is chatting, and I’m practicallyvibrating on my feet until Gabe comes down the hallway and it’s my turn for my mouth to drop. He has on a suit, and his hair is in a bun. When he smiles at me, I practically swoon. “You’re so handsome.”
He pulls me into his arms and whispers, “Showtime?”
I nod, and he turns us to our family. “Hey everyone! Thank you for coming over to celebrate our engagement, but we’ve changed our minds.”
Everyone collectively gasps, but I just keep smiling. I can tell that my brothers don’t know if they should be angry on my behalf or not, and they’re about to pounce when Gabe announces, “So this is not an engagement party… this is actually our wedding.”
Their eyes widen and mouths drop. “Wedding!” King exclaims.