Half out of patience, I demand, “What do you mean, not exactly? What did happen?”

He blows out a breath. “Gabe got us all together and said he wanted someone to go out with you.”

“Oh my God. And? What? Did you draw the shortest straw?”

“No, ma’am.”

I growl. “Okay, I’m over this. Tell me what happened. How did you end up here tonight?”

He doesn’t want to tell me, that much is obvious, and I’m having to drag it out of him. Slowly, he shakes his head. “The captain said he needed a date for you. Over half the squad volunteered. Even Jack Peters volunteered.”

I search my mind trying to recall who JackPeters is. “Jack Peters? Isn’t he married to Raemi, who works at the grocery store?”

“Yes, he is.”

I nod. “Okay, and then what happened?”

He speaks slowly, like he’s not sure if he should tell me or not. “Well, Gabe automatically told some of them no. Like Rick and Keaton. I told them they messed up because they’re always coming into the station talking about their conquests from the weekend, and I knew there was no way Gabe was going to fix one of them up with you. A few of them were maybes.”

Still confused, I shake my head. “Maybes?”

He nods. “Yeah, he then brought us all in the room and went over the rules.”

I gasp. “The rules? He had rules? What are these rules?”

“Uh…” Mark looks around the dance floor. “Maybe you should ask Gabe.”

“Oh no, we’re this far into it now. Spill it. What are the rules?”

He shrugs. “They were pretty simple and straightforward.”

He’s looking over my head, and it’s obvious he’s searching for Gabe. I spin us around so he’ll havehis back to his boss. “Give it up, Mark. What were the rules?”

He swallows hard. “Well, for starters no touching, and I’m already breaking that rule, so I’m probably going to be without a job by tomorrow.”

“No touching? We’re dancing.”

“He didn’t care. He said absolutely no touching.” He takes a deep breath and then starts to ramble. “I’m not allowed to be alone with you. I could ask you questions but nothing too personal. Don’t get attached to you. No kissing. No hugging. No asking for your number. Compliments are okay, but nothing sexual. And if I break a rule, if I touch you, I’m done.”

Aghast, my mouth drops. “I’m sorry. Do you have that memorized?”

He nods. “Yes, it was a requirement.”

“Oh my God, okay, you know he’s not going to fire you.”

“Ma’am, I’m not worried about him firing me. I’m worried about him killing me.”

I practically screech. “Kill you? That’s ridiculous. He wouldn’t…”

For the first time, his voice is firm and secure. “Actually, he would. I believe his exact words were ‘If you touch her, I will end you.’”

I peek around Mark and look at Gabe. He’s moved closer to Mark and me, and as soon as he sees me looking at him, he calls out to us, “Everything okay over there?”

I glare at him, and Mark drops his hands from my waist. “Everything’s good, sir.”

I continue glaring at Gabe while Bethany twirls away from Gabe and then rolls back into him, pressing her body against his. I roll my eyes. Is this really how this night is going to go? There’s no way I’m going to be able to watch this all night.

I turn my glare to my date. “Do you want to get out of here, Mark?”