“Get your head out of your ass, brother. We’re about to lose to these two jokers, and we won’t hear the end of it if we do.”

I turn to look at my brother Holden, and as soon as I do, I’m hit in the stomach by a speeding ball that is followed by whoops and hollers from the other side of the court.

“Yes! We won!” Cole hollers.

“Hell yeah, we did!” Dom joins in.

Holden points his racket at me. “Really? You get to go home. I gotta live with the kid, and all I’m going to hear all night is how he stomped us.”

Usually, I’d mess with my brother, but instead I apologize. “I’m sorry, man. Look, my head is somewhere else.”

He rears his head back. “You’re apologizing right now? What the hell is going on with you?”

Dom and Cole are still celebrating, and I just shrug my shoulders, not ready to get into all of it standing in the middle of the pickleball court. Holden points to the other two. “Gabe and I are sitting this one out.”

Cole cackles. “Yeah, that’s what you two need to do, rest up so Dom and I can beat you again.”

Dom is huffing and puffing and pleadingly asks, “You sure one of you doesn’t want to take my place?”

Holden just shakes his head. “You got this.”

I follow my brother over to the bleachers, and we sit down, both of us grabbing towels to wipe ourselves off.

I’m lost in thought when Holden grunts at me, “Spit it out.”

I look out at the rows of courts instead of at my brother. There are rows of people hitting the ballback and forth, and I act like I’m interested in the games in front of us. Holden knows me better than anyone, and it’s impossible to hide anything from him. “Spit what out?”

He hits me on the shoulder. “You might as well say it. I’m going to get it out of you anyway.”

I rest my elbows on my arms and act like I’m completely enthralled by what’s happening in front of me.

Holden leans toward me. “Does this have anything to do with Chrissy going on that date last night?”

I still don’t answer, but that doesn’t sway him. He nudges me with his shoulder. “Go ahead, admit it. You tracked her down last night.”

I blow out a breath, pissed off just thinking about the asshole from last night, but I remain silent.

“Fuck, man. What is it? Did he try and kiss her or what? You’re freaking me out.” Holden sits up and looks around the park. “I mean, are the police going to be coming for you or what?”

I crack my knuckles. “Why do you think the police would be looking for me?”

He blurts out a laugh. “Oh, I don’t know. Because if her date got handsy last night, then youprobably beat his ass. Hell, I don’t know what happened, but something did.”

I’m antsy, and I stand up, stuffing my hands in the front pockets of my shorts. I turn on him and blurt out, “He didn’t touch her. Hell, a part of me wishes he had because what he did hurt her worse than if he tried to touch her.”

Holden tenses. “What do you mean? What the hell did he do?”

“He asked her out because he wanted to get a job from King.”

“I’m sorry. What did you just say?”

I throw a hand up. “He wants a job with King.”

Holden laughs darkly. “Well, he fucked up. King won’t hire him now for sure. Fuck, King will arrange it where he won’t be able to work in Whiskey Run at all. The guy fucked up. Does he know it?”

I’m still amazed by what transpired last night, and I couldn’t just let it go. “Yeah, he knows. I followed Chrissy home last night to make sure she was okay, and then I went back to the Whistler and had a talk with the dumbass. Needless to say, he knows he fucked up.”

Holden nods and groans in frustration. “Whenare you going to get your head out of your ass and tell Chrissy how you feel?”